Intensive Care Nursing/Sepsis Scenarios/Surgical Sepsis Unfolding Case Study/Surgical Sepsis Scenario p2

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Arrival to unit

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Upon arrival to your unit, the patient begins to decompensate further. You notify provider to assist with rapid order entry to assist with treatment of their febrile tachycardia related to likely abdominal infection. During your admission assessment you note the patient stating an increased amount of pain described as burning after a sensation of ripping in their belly. Broad spectrum antibiotics were initiated and another fluid bolus is given.

Current vital signs and recently resulted labs are as follows:

Temperature: 39.1 C (102.4 F)

HR: 140

BP: 75/45

RR: 28

SpO2: 94% @ 2LNC

Pain: 10/10

Which of the vital signs or labs are concerning to you at this time?

Respiratory Rate
Oxygen Saturation
Blood Pressure
Heart Rate

  1. Surgical Sepsis Scenario p3