Instructional design/Learner analysis/what when why/demographics/cognitive/physiological/affective

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Intro to Learner Analysis Worksheet - Affective/Social (2 minutes)

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While not always obvious, the affective/social characteristics of learners can make or break a design's success. These can include a student's self-image, past experiences that shape the student's perception of the lesson, and other considerations listed below. These affect the motivational elements you choose to include and access to student supports.



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Below are possible sources for the collection of affective/social information about students:

IDs only -

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  • Previous instructors
  • Resume or CV
  • Employment records
  • Student records
  • Personality inventories

IDs who also teach -

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  • Observations
  • Personal interactions with students
  • Previous instructors
  • Resume or CV
  • Employment records
  • Student records
  • Personality inventories
  • Pre-class surveys


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Category Design Implications
Attitude toward course Instructions should be clear and supportive reinforce positive and lessen negative perceptions and biases.
Motivation Level Structure activities that will interest learners. Make content relevant and demonstrate value of participation and engagement. Support (feedback, nudges, etc) should be staged throughout the course to maintain social presence.
Attitude toward self Provide time/stress management support resources to reduce anxiety. Scaffold activities so that learners do not get overwhelmed. Confident learners need to be engaged and motivation maintained. Determine level of learner control over activities and content.
Relationships Design instruction to keep students actively engaged (active learning, Problem/Inquiry based learning activities, etc.)

Provide multiple modalities of content presentation (visual, textual, auditory) Activities/support should address needs of independent/dependent learners.

Interest Design interactions and activities that align with learners interests. Interest should be maintained throughout the course by presenting new challenges and opportunities for learners to engage in new ways.


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(select all that apply)

Which of the following sources might inform you about a student's interests?

Personal interactions with students
Pre-class surveys
Resume or CV
Previous instructors