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IT Security/Objectives/Security Program Management and Oversight

From Wikiversity

5.1 Summarize elements of effective security governance.

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  • External considerations
    • Regulatory
    • Legal
    • Industry
    • Local/regional
    • National
    • Global
  • Monitoring and revision
  • Types of governance structures
    • Boards
    • Committees
    • Government entities
    • Centralized/decentralized
  • Roles and responsibilities for systems and data
    • Owners
    • Controllers
    • Processors
    • Custodians/stewards

5.2 Explain elements of the risk management process

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5.3 Explain the processes associated with third-party risk assessment and management.

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  • Vendor assessment
    • Penetration testing
    • Right-to-audit clause
    • Evidence of internal audits
    • Independent assessments
    • Supply chain analysis
  • Vendor selection
    • Due diligence
    • Conflict of interest

  • Agreement types
    • Service-level agreement (SLA)
    • Memorandum of agreement (MOA)
    • Memorandum of understanding (MOU)
    • Master service agreement (MSA)
    • Work order (WO)/statement of work (SOW)
    • Non-disclosure agreement (NDA)
    • Business partners agreement (BPA)
  • Vendor monitoring
  • Questionnaires
  • Rules of engagement

5.4 Summarize elements of effective security compliance.

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  • Compliance reporting
    • Internal
    • External
  • Consequences of non-compliance
    • Fines
    • Sanctions
    • Reputational damage
    • Loss of license
    • Contractual impacts
  • Compliance monitoring
    • Due diligence/care
    • Attestation and acknowledgement
    • Internal and external
    • Automation

  • Privacy
    • Legal implications
      • Local/regional
      • National
      • Global
    • Data subject
    • Controller vs. processor
    • Ownership
    • Data inventory and retention
    • Right to be forgotten

5.5 Explain types and purposes of audits and assessments.

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  • Attestation
  • Internal
    • Compliance
    • Audit committee
    • Self-assessments
  • External
    • Regulatory
    • Examinations
    • Assessment
    • Independent third-party audit

  • Penetration testing
    • Physical
    • Offensive
    • Defensive
    • Integrated
    • Known environment
    • Partially known environment
    • Unknown environment
    • Reconnaissance
      • Passive
      • Active

5.6 Given a scenario, implement security awareness practices.

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  • Phishing
    • Campaigns
    • Recognizing a phishing attempt
    • Responding to reported suspicious messages
  • Anomalous behavior recognition
    • Risky
    • Unexpected
    • Unintentional

  • User guidance and training
    • Policy/handbooks
    • Situational awareness
    • Insider threat
    • Password management
    • Removable media and cables
    • Social engineering
    • Operational security
    • Hybrid/remote work environments
  • Reporting and monitoring
    • Initial
    • Recurring
  • Development
  • Execution