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ICT in Education/Change Projects/2016C Bangladesh School of Education, Bangladesh Open University

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Title of the change project : Improving Teaching-Learning Practices of Science educationby Using ICT for B.Ed Program of School of Education, Bangladesh Open University

Change agent : Merine Sultana

Email : merinesultana@gmail.com

Name of the organisation : Bangladesh Open University

Country : Bangladesh

Started date : 1st November 2016

Status (finished/ongoing) : ongoing

1. Background of the project (problem):

The Government of Bangladesh has emphasized on the education system and highlighted the enormous aspects of expanding science education towards building Digital Bangladesh. The policy makers of Bangladesh believes that the time has come to build science-based skilled and knowledge-based human resources to take the nation forward as the demand of information and communication technologies are gradually increasing. ICT can be a great contrivance to achieve this national goal.To makes a digital Bangladesh, we must give utmost importance on science and technology and it should be started from the secondary level at schools. Science teachers of the schools should play due role towards substantial and sustainable boosting the number of science-minded students who are very important for flourishing the sector of information and communication technology. There is no alternative to acquiring scientific knowledge to devise ways and means on how to make the nation technologically advanced. The students and other young generations should avail the scopes of gathering knowledge on diversified directions of science and technologies and it's furthermore innovations.There is no way but to wide-ranging promotion of science and technology sector to take forward the nation successfully.The young generation will surely take the nation one-step forward through improving the technological area and all of us should create an enabling situation for them in this regard.

School of Education (SOE) of Bangladesh Open University (BOU) provides ample opportunity of education and training to the deprived groups like primary and secondary level school teachers through its distance mode of Education. School of Education offers Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) program for secondary school and Madrasa teachers with its seventeen (17) study centers which are located in different regions of the country. Every year there are around 350 trainee teachers enroll per study center.  Butteachers are barely using multimedia content for science lessons in distance mode of B.Ed program. In these classes sometimes it is hard for a teacher to clear the concept of the abstract topics. Sometimes in general science class, students cannot able to be familiar with the critical terms. As a result students’ knowledge does not fulfill and the topics become harder. This also affects the overall result of secondary level science education in Bangladesh. In this situation, properly integrating ICTs with pedagogy in science class can make the learning outcome more effective.

2. Objectives :

·        To ensure the participation of every student in science classroom.

·        To increase the students’ understanding level of these subjects as well as the ability of using technology.

·        To ensure teachers’ best performance in integration of ICT and pedagogy in Science education.

·        To ensure quality teaching-learning using ICTs in classrooms.

3. Stakeholders : The main target group will be the B.Ed trainee teachers of School of Education, BOU.

4. List of Activities :

·        Organize Workshop for the teachers and students of science to build awareness on ICT and Pedagogy integration in classroom by using MOOCs.

·        Conduct in house training on digital content development.

·        Introduce ICTs in science classes.

·        Develop the digital content with the participation of students.

·        Assignment/group work/project to the student in the class or at home which have to be done using technology.

·        Online learning, peer learning, subject based software, apps, Dropbox facilities etc. will be practiced for better learning.

·        Critical science topics will be presented by ICT.

·        Encourage the authority for using latest technology in the classroom.

·        Find out the impacts of the change project and prepare a report

5. Expected result ; 

·        Integration of ICTs on science will be established.

·        Students’ higher order of thinking level will be increased.

·        Learning outcome will be more effective.

·        Every student can be able to use technology.

·        Uses of Digital Content on science will be increased.

Students can assess themselves effortlessly and without much str

6.  Actual result  : not yet

7. The Project organisation : School of Education, Bangladesh Open University

Last Updated : 20/02/2017