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ICT in Education/Change Projects/2015A Introducing 21st Century ICT Knowledge and Skills Among Teacher Educators of Bangladesh

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      ICT is the glorious aspect of modern civilization. Now days, it has become the directorate part of humane culture. It has a greater influence in education sector. ICT can make educational task easy to do. Without ICT we cannot think about a professional multimedia presentation with text, sound, image, movies, animations etc. On the other hand, a skill can be performed well by using ICT. It also can combine many skills like collaboration, integration, presentation and so on. ICT offers the opportunity to collaborate in the class. By this way ICT can make effective learning situation.

“Learning by doing” is an active process of learning. In this learning style learners use actively resources and materials, collaborate with others, share ideas and achieve new knowledge. “Pupils who actively engage with the materials are more likely to recall information later and to be able to use that information in different contexts” (Bruner, 1961), (Piaget, 1970), (Vygotsky, 1978). Using ICT in the classroom, teacher can engage learners actively with materials and can create a meaningful learning situation. But for this, these time and in near future teachers need to acquire following four basic skills (soft skills) related with modern ICT skills.

• Information skills • Presentation skills • Working on a project skills • Working in a learning skills

      Considering above things the aim of the project is to develop teacher educators and their teaching in all aspects of education. For effective development of ICT skills and knowledge, teachers need appropriate training on ICT culture. The project offers them a great opportunity to ensure all above factors. It will also cover relative concepts of instructional designing, pedagogy integrating with ICT, next generation networking, and so on.

Change agent: Biplob Rahman

Email: biplob2bd@yahoo.com biplob2bd@gmail.com

Name of the organization: Government Teachers' Training College, Khulna, Bangladesh.

Title of the change project: Introducing 21st Century ICT Knowledge and Skills Among Teacher Educators of Bangladesh

Country: Bangladesh

Started date: 01.07.2015

Status (finished/ongoing)Ongoing

Last Updated on 31.10.2015

1. Background

ICT is the glorious aspect of modern civilization. Now days, it has become the directorate part of humane culture. It has a greater influence in education sector. ICT can make educational task easy to do. Without ICT we cannot think about a professional multimedia presentation with text, sound, image, movies, animations etc. On the other hand, a skill can be performed well by using ICT. It also can combine many skills like collaboration, integration, presentation and so on. ICT offers the opportunity to collaborate in the class. By this way ICT can make effective learning situation. “Learning by doing” is an active process of learning. In this learning style learners use actively resources and materials, collaborate with others, share ideas and achieve new knowledge. “Pupils who actively engage with the materials are more likely to recall information later and to be able to use that information in different contexts” (Bruner, 1961), (Piaget, 1970), (Vygotsky, 1978). Using ICT in the classroom, teacher can engage learners actively with materials and can create a meaningful learning situation. But for this, these time and in near future teachers need to acquire following four basic skills (soft skills) related with modern ICT skills.

• Information skills • Presentation skills • Working on a project skills • Working in a learning skills

Considering above things the aim of the project is to develop teacher educators and their teaching in all aspects of education. For effective development of ICT skills and knowledge, teachers need appropriate training on ICT culture. The project offers them a great opportunity to ensure all above factors. It will also cover relative concepts of instructional designing, pedagogy integrating with ICT, next generation networking, and so on.

2. Objectives

The specific aims of the project are following. By considering these aims, all initiatives have been taken.

     1.	To develop technology operations and concepts.
     2.	To plan and design learning environment and experiences.
     3.	To understand teaching, learning, and the curriculum.
     4.	To integrate computer technologies into the curriculum.
     5.	To apply assessment and evaluation strategies.
     6.	To develop emerging ICT skills for 21st century teachers’
     7.	To develop professional attitude to the trainees

3. Stakeholders

   -Teacher Educators
   -Secondary School Teachers
   -Students of Secondary school 

4. The Scope of the project

    To improve quality of education through ICT based learning for teacher educator in Bangladesh. 

5. Activities

Project implementation procedure: From the very beginning (initial planning) to the end (evaluating) project works will run through the following steps. In these steps Evertt Rogers’ (1995) theory of the diffusion of innovation will be carefully.

Step One: Initial planning (one week)


1. Studying the norm of the social systems 2. Assessing needs, interests, values, past experiences and communication behaviors 3. Sharing views and ideas through several opinion survey meeting with teacher educators and parents with selected teachers 4. Setting goals, objectives, contents and delivery systems (attached) 5. Selecting target group, arranging a range of motivational meeting with selected teachers

Step Two: Tryout and finalizing the plan (One week)


1. Selecting a small group 2. Arranging a short course and teaching them 3. Observing and evaluating outputs 4. Reviewing and finalizing goals, objectives, contents and delivery systems. 5. Making preparation to starting course works

Step Three: Face to face study and Directed study (2 weeks x 5 workshops = 10 weeks): (Detailed plan is attached) Basically this is the major part of the project. Five semesters are included for this step regarding pre-signified semester-based objectives. In each six weeks semester trainer will teach the trainee face to face for five weeks and after that they (trainees) will get one week semester break. In the semester break they (trainee) will complete their directed study (the given task/tasks by the trainer for the semester) staying residence and submit/present in the first week of their following semester.

Activities: 1. Orientation, registration, pre-test 2. Face to face teaching using constructivist learning theory by ensuring proper guidance and feedback 3. Setting tasks, assignments or projects for direct study (group/pair/individual work) 4. Evaluating trainers classroom performance/achievement through the each phase 5. Finding weaker trainees and provide extra guide and facilitation by keeping in touch over the time.

Step Four: Practical Teaching (Two weeks) Activities: 1. Sending trainees to their job for practice gained knowledge 2. Monitoring and assessing their present classroom activities 3. Survey their present views, values, attitudes, interests, adoptions and rejections 4. Categorizing trainees (adopter) as innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority and laggards groups (Rogers’ theory) 5. Arranging two weeks refreshers courses fit for the adopter categories (for late majority and laggards group)

Step Five: Assessing, Evaluating and Reviewing (Two weeks) Activities: 1. Preparing a range of assessing tools 2. Visiting and observing schools and classroom activities 3. Assessing, and evaluating training behavior 4. Reviewing goals, objectives, contents and delivery systems for further action.

Course objectives, content, skills, methods and used resource: The course works (face to face study & directed study) of the project are divided into five semesters (15 weeks). So, objectives of the course are given below on the basis of regarding semester and the aim of the project. Expectation is that, trainee will achieve specific objectives by completing specific workshop.

The total course contents of the project are also divided into five areas. Each area will be taught in one workshop (face to face study 2 weeks and directed study 1 week = 3 weeks). There is a link between workshop-based objectives an content areas. Content areas are organized below by following the link with prefix objectives for the workshop. Major skills (what trainer will achieve), methods (in which way trainer will teach) and aids (what will be used in teaching) are mentioned in the structure. Expectation is that trainee will achieve specific objectives by completing specific workshop through the specific content area guided by the trainee.

6. Expected or final result

• Understanding Hardware and software • Windows based operating system • Word processing, file management and printing • Spread sheet, data base and MS Excel • Network, internet and email • World wide web and other digital resources

7. The Project organization

  Life Academy in Sweden funded by SIDA. The project organised by Teachers' Training College, Khulna, Bangladesh.