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ICT in Education/Change Projects/2015A Integration ICT and pedagogy to enhance the quality of teaching –learning process in B .Ed level science student in Bangladesh National University

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Change project

level only twenty percent( 22%)  and higher secondary level only seventeen percent (17%) student took science .It is not good sign for the development of a nation.

The science teachers of Bangladesh cannot attract the students in their classroom. Their mode of delivery is traditional and teachers centered .Student sta ICT and Pedagogical Development in Sweden,2015 A Name of Applicant: JESMIN NAHER TTC Dhaka, Bangladesh. Project Title: Integration ICT and pedagogy to enhance the quality of teaching –learning process in B .Ed level science student in Bangladesh National University. Introduction: In recent years ,the explosive growth of knowledge in the world mostly based on science and technology .In true sense, there is no today without science and also there is no tomorrow without science. As we realize the traditional teaching has completely failed to meet the challenges of present days. The enrolment of science students have alarmingly decreased .If we see the last four years statics ,we see that in the secondary y in classroom inactive .As a result science learning become hard, abstract and annoying .Student cannot related science in their daily life. this kind of teaching is not expected for the 21st century learners. If we properly integrating ICTs with pedagogy in science studies class, can make the student more effective and enjoyable. Moreover, the rate of absence in the classroom and drop out form school will decrease definitely. I believe my change project will improve the teaching –learning method and learner skill and ensure friendly and attractive classroom environment. General Goal: This project aims to improve the science students percentages by attracting the students using multimedia and other technological advancements and teaching -learning methods will go through the students centered. Specific Objective: 1.To ensure teacher’s best performance in integration of ICT and pedagogy in science students in B. Ed level classroom practice. 2.To ensure a joyful and effective science learning to the students. 3.To identify the hindrances of introducing ICT and pedagogy integration in teaching process. 4.To ensure the use of web based science materials in teaching. 5.To create an environment and easier way of sharing digital contents among teachers. Processes to Achieve Objective: Phase -1: 1.To ensure Multimedia classroom in every Govt. TTC in Bangladesh for science teachers. 2.To ensure using computer for every science student in B. Ed level. 3.All TTC and all schools in piloting area should have internet accessibility so that and students can get latest information about science form the web. Phase-2: 1.Intensive training on science teacher led digital content development(at least 12days ). 2.Science teacher will become enable for managing multimedia class. 3.Contents developed by the science teachers will preserve the web portal so that other teachers can see and use the best if necessary. Phase -3: 1.After a certain period B. Ed student’s performance will be assessed. 2.At the end of the year supervise the selected school in which those trainee teachers are working, and their performance will be assessed. Target Group: 1. Science trainer and trainee of B. Ed level in Govt. Teachers’ Training College of Bangladesh. 2. Students of class six to ten of some selected schools in which those trainee teachers are working. Challenges: The following constraints may be faced to ensure my change project… 1. Unwillingness of teachers because they are habituate in the traditional methods. 2 .Lack of ICT knowledge and fell extra workload. 3. Absence of electricity and internet connection specifically in rural areas . 4. Inadequate support of authority. Expected Results: After successfully complete the B. Ed course as well as project period trained teachers will go back their own working school and they make change their classroom environment by using pedagogy integrating ICT and other technology .Student will interested in science and rate of science students will increases and drop out will decreases. In addition teachers confidence will growing up and they have job satisfaction. Conclusion: Successful completion the project will play a vital role to improve the teaching learning quality .It will also help the 21st century learners to learn in a participatory and enjoyable learning environment by using cost –effective use of ICTs. THANKS