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ICT in Education/Change Projects/2015A Implementation of Digital Content in Science Classes for Interactive and Sustainable Teaching Learning at Secondary School in Bangladesh

From Wikiversity

Will be updated on 10th February 2015 in a training program by the participants

Change agent: Sazia Sultana

Email: sazia.ttc@gmail.com

Name of the organization : Govt. Teachers' Training College Pabna, Bangladesh

Title of the change project:Implementation of Digital Content in Science Classes for Interactive and Sustainable Teaching Learning at Secondary School in Bangladesh Bol

Country : Bangladesh

Started date:01/07/2014

Status (finished/ongoing): Ongoing

Last Updated on:31/12/2014

1. Background Secondary education is an important phase of the education system in Bangladesh. Secondary education starts from class VI and finishes at class X with a country wide Secondary School Certificate Exam known as SSC exam. In every stream of secondary education the importance of science education is highlighted as the national education policy gives emphasis on science education. Students up to class VIII has to study science as a common subject. At class IX and X student has to choose science as major subjects who are in science group. And those who choose business and arts as major also need to study science as a compulsory subject. So the importance of science subject to the students in Bangladesh is very much essential. At secondary school, science classes are mainly text book based. Teacher follows the text book to teach the science contents to the students which is descriptive in nature. Most of the time students memorize the contents and forget the contents after a particular time period. But it is easily understandable and teachers also agree that all the contents are not memorable. Rather students need to understand the contents as well. So it is very much important to visualize the content to the students in an attractive format. As the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in education is introduce with a high priority in Bangladesh, so preparing and using digital content in science classes is a need of time. It will clearly help the teacher to present the lesson in a visible and attractive way and students will also interact with the teacher. Learning cannot be completed properly without the participation of both the students and teacher. When both teacher and students interacts the lesson becomes attractive and the learning becomes more sustainable 2. Objectives:• to justify the importance of digital content in science classes at secondary schools; • to identify the best way of implementation of digital content in science classes; • to verify the usefulness of digital content in teaching learning in science classes for interactive and sustainable learning from students perspective

3. Stakeholders:

4. The Scope of the project:Teachers, students, Education Experts

5. Activities:

6. Expected or final result:

7. The Project organization: LIFE Academy in Sweden