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ICT in Education/Change Projects/2015A Development of e-Learning Management System (LMS)

From Wikiversity

Change agent Editha Didas Temu

Email edithatemu@yahoo.com

Name of the organization Ardhi University

Title of the change project Development of e-Learning Management System (LMS)

Country Tanzania

Started date 13th April 2015

Status (finished/ongoing) Ongoing

Last Updated on 27th April 2015

1. Background

is a new university chartered in 2007 but an institution with a long history in its core activities of training, research and consultancy. Activities such as addressing problems related to sustainable Information Systems Management, Land Utilization, the Environment, Human Settlements, Disaster Risk Management and affiliated fields of specializations are under one roof. As formerly known as University College of Lands and Architectural Studies (UCLAS), it was established as a Constituent College of the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) on July 1, 1996. Earlier on, it existed as Ardhi Institute and was originally founded in 1956 as a , located at Mgulani on the then outskirts of the City of . The survey school was secondarily moved to the Observation Hill (its present location) in 1958.

2. Objectives

The overall objective of this project is to introduce the students, lecturers and a university as a whole a tool to manage and promote learning infrastructures during the process of teaching and learning so as to make things easier in the learning environment. 

3. Stakeholders




The clients of e-learning. In the context of higher education, they are undergraduate or graduate students enrolled at Ardhi University


Deliver courses to reach broader audiences, provide technical and motivational support to encourage use


Standardize the e-learning experiences across courses, Provide technical and support in lecture delivery, Protect sensitive student information

Director Undergraduate/Postgraduate/PRO

Select appropriate content and media for e-learning and comply for usability standards

IT Personnel

Consider learning principles when designing, allow adjustments for individual learning programs, Comply with the usability standards

Accreditation Body (TCU)

Enforce standards to ensure quality e-learning courses

4. The Scope of the project

The project will cover Ardhi university which contains 6 schools offering courses in Architecture and Design, Construction Economics and Management, Environmental Sciences and Technology, Geospatial Science and Technology, Urban and Regional Planning, Real Estates Studies, Housing and Information Systems Management. The amount of registered students in Ardhi University are ........ The assignment will be done by single source consultancy which involves the system analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation and writing of reports. 

5. Activities

To complete the assignment according to it’s objectives and requirements, such as budget, expertise and organizational constraints, the IDDIE e-Learning model will be adopted as depicted below :


The needs analysis allows the identification of general, high-level course goals, the target audience analysis and determine the course content. The design and delivery of e-learning will be influenced by key characteristics of the learners (e.g. their previous knowledge and skills, geographical provenience, learning context and access to technology).


The design stage encompasses different activities to produce a blue print which will be used as a reference to develop the course such as organization in courses, units, lessons, activities); the learning objectives associated with each unit and the delivery methods and formats (e.g. interactive self-paced materials, synchronous and/or asynchronous collaborative activities) to deliver each unit.


In this stage, the e-learning content is actually produced. The content can vary considerably, depending on the available resources. For example, e-learning content may consist of only simpler materials (i.e. those with little or no interactivity or multimedia, such as structured PDF documents) which can be combined with other materials (e.g. audio or video files), assignments and tests. In that situation, storyboard development and the development of media and electronic interactions would not be conducted.


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At this stage the course is delivered to learners. The courseware is installed on a server and made accessible for learners. It also includes managing and facilitating learners’ activities.


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6. Expected or final result

7. The Project organization