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ICT in Education/Change Projects/2014C Uganda Computer Literacy Rural Community

From Wikiversity

Will be updated on 10th February 2015 in a training program by the participants

Change agent: Mirembe Eva


Name of the organization

Title of the change project: Computer Literacy Training to the Rural community

Country: Uganda

Started date: November, 2014

Status: ongoing

Last Updated on: September, 2015

1. Background

Some youths in the village have never interacted with a computer before and the majority of children are growing up in a computer illiterate environment. It is necessary that this change project is undertaken to provide opportunities for the rural community members to become acquainted with computer technology and its use. This proposal is in accordance with the Government’s aspiration to reduce the urban-rural technological gap or the digital divide (Uganda’s Vision 2040, 2013). The relatively disadvantaged rural communities will have equal opportunities to develop their potential. Fortunately the universities have taken an initiative to establish rural information access centers in the surrounding areas but the natives have not made full utilization of these centers due to the high level of computer illiteracy. It is from this view that I would like to use the University e-learning tools (computers, projectors and the video conference facility) and information centers to teach community members in computer applications and the beneficiaries will later become teachers of computer literacy to their fellow villagers. In a long run, this will change the community life of the surrounding Villages.

2. Objectives

1.      To promote the development of computer literacy in the rural youth both in school and dropouts surrounding the University.

2.      To upgrade the quality of labour force in utilizing science and technology

3. To train peer educators from the surrounding areas adequately equipped with relevant computer education.

3. Stakeholders

i Trainers

ii Trainees

iii University administrators


4. The Scope of the project

Youth (students and dropouts)

Those able to speak some english

The training will be in the rural areas

5. Activities


Group discussions and presentation

6. Expected or final result

  1. The project had 40 trainees from June to August. These consisted of youth both in schools and dropouts from rural communities. This improved the development of literacy and economic status of the benefiting communities since they are now able to access information online and manipulate computer applications.
  2. The Project will create job opportunities  to the formally unemployed for example as computer laboratory attendants at the University, in ICT companies and some will set up their own computer business centers around the university given the high market from the university students who do printing, photocopying and internet surfing. This will increase their level of income per annum.
  3. This will stimulate economic growth with in the benefiting communities, improve social and infrastructure development and enable the beneficiaries to assist their family siblings' welfare and education. In general, this project will improve the level of computer illiteracy and reduce on poverty that is rampant in village areas in Uganda.
  4. By absorbing students in this program, the crime rate will be reduced which is caused by the idleness of the youth since they will have were to spend their time productively other than in drugs, robbery, alcoholism.

7. The Project organization


