ICD-10 Coding/Mental, Behavioral and Neurodevelopmental Disorders

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This Lesson introduces ICD-10-CM Mental, Behavioral and Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Objectives and Skills[edit | edit source]

1. Objectives and skills for this lesson include:

  1. Corretly apply ICD-10-CM coding guidelines for mental, behavioral and neurodevelopment disorders
  2. Assignment and sequencing of codes for drug and alcohol abuse and dependence
  3. Identify the differences between the types of affective disorders

Guidelines[edit | edit source]

Start Here[edit | edit source]


ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting FY2019[edit | edit source]

Chapter 5 specific guidelines can be found on pages 39-40 of these documents

Part 1: Diagnosis[edit | edit source]

Chapter 5 Introduction video video

CG.I.C.5.a Pain disorders related to psychological factors[edit | edit source]

CG.I.C.5.a video

CG.I.C.5.b Mental and behavioral disorders due to psychoactive substance use[edit | edit source]

CG.I.C.5.b.1 video

CG.I.C.5.b.2 video

CG.I.C.5.b.3 video

CG.I.C.5.c Factitious Disorder[edit | edit source]

CG.I.C.5.c video

Learning Resources[edit | edit source]

Activities[edit | edit source]

Lesson Summary[edit | edit source]

Key Terms[edit | edit source]

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]