Human vision and function/Part 1: How the eye works/1.2 Anatomy of the eye

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1.2 Anatomy of the Eye

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This topic introduces you to the anatomy of the human eye, focusing on the important structures from front (anterior) to back (posterior). After completing this section you should be able to label a schematic diagram of the human eye correctly.

Task 1

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Begin by watching the Anatomy of the Eye video. Once you have done this, use your knowlege of the structures to label the schematic diagram shown here (on the right of the screen) of the human eye. To check if you're correct, you can find the answers here.

Schematic diagram of the human eye multilingual

Task 2

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Watch the video Cow's Eye Dissection. Once you have watched both videos (Anatomy of the Eye and Cow's Eye Dissection), answer the questions below.

Supplementary reading

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The links below redirect you to websites containing supplementary reading about anatomy of the eye.

National Eye Institute Diagram of the eye

Triad Publishing word glossary Eye and vision

Web MD Human eye anatomy

Web MD How the human eye sees

Revision Questions

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Answer the following questions after you have watched the videos and completed the supplementary readings.
Discuss the answers to these questions on your group LMS forum.

  1. What is the function of the conjunctiva?
  2. Where can you find the meibomian glands and what do they do?
  3. What are the names of the 2 main eyelid muscles?
  4. Where are most of our tears produced?
  5. What are the 3 chambers of the eye?
  6. What is the function of the ciliary body?
  7. List the 3 sections of the lens.
  8. What main things should you look for when examining the retina?
  9. What are the light sensitive cells in the retina called?
  10. Name the 6 extra-ocular muscles.
  11. What is the function of the aqueous humour?
  12. Why are the cornea and lens transparent?
  13. Describe the shape and anatomical position of the lens.
  14. What could happen if the lens is not transparent?
  15. How will the shape of the lens influence refraction of light through the eye and why is the print magnified through the lens??
