TAO/How to create a learning and/or research module?

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TAO/How to create a learning and/or research module?
Target groups: New members of the TAO Community of Practice
Time window: 2011/11 (start)
Completion [%]:
Primary Language:
Maintainers: User:Beat_Estermann

Goal of the module

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The goal of this module is to guide the members of the TAO Community of Practice in creating their own learning and/or research module, in carrying out the related activities and in documenting them on this wiki.

Target group

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Members of the TAO Community of Practice who would like to design learning and/or research activities fostering the exchange of know-how and/or contributing to the TAO Handbook.


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Members of the Working Group Developing the Module

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Please add your user name if you would like to join.

User:Beat Estermann