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Helping Give Away Psychological Science/1002 wikiRapid Grant NCSSM

From Wikiversity

[ This is the Page for NCSSM wikigrants and we will be adding momentarily :) ]

Wikipedia has a variety of psychological pages that have low-rated content despite being exposed to the general public. Our goal is to expand Wikipedia's representation of psychology to correct or improve current information with the use of edit-a-thons. We plan to recruit new editors with clinical psychological science expertise to do this. This professional group is especially helpful to engage because (a) psychology currently lags behind other areas of science in terms of quality of coverage on Wikipedia, (b) clinical psychology also extends into pages and topics in Medicine, and (c) the majority of attendees are women in psychology, so engaging them with editing will help redress the gender imbalance in the Wikipedia editing community. Hosting an edit-a-thon also connects with this year’s themes, including using social media to extend awareness and impact of psychology.

Project Goal

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Choose one or more of the following goals. You can add or delete goals as needed.

Add or improve content

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There are only roughly 2,000 pages rated C or better in terms of quality within WP:Psychology. This edit-a-thon will focus on the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy page as many experts want the best information to be available to viewers. In addition, this event will not only serve to promote Wiki editing within the psychology community but also to make direct edits to improve existing content and address the lack of high-quality psychology articles on Wikipedia. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is an important page to revise because it has a Class C rating, but is the 81st popular page in WP:Psychology. HGAPS has worked extensively on Wikiversity pages including those for Evidence-Based Assessment, Open Teaching of Psychological Science (OToPS), and Psychological First Aid.

Project Plan

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Tell us how you'll carry out your project. Be sure to answer the following questions:

1. Are you doing one edit-a-thon or training or a series of edit-a-thons or pieces of training?

This will be a series of edit-a-thons that focus on encouraging members and the general public to gain Wiki skills. For each edit-a-ton, prizes will be available to further encourage and motivate people to participate.

2. How will you let your community know about the event? Please paste links below to where relevant communities have been notified of your proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions.

The UNC chapter of HGAPS meets weekly, and the executive board has been aware of this planned event and plans to provide support and attendance for this event. At the meeting, updates and announcements are the first item on the agenda. The upcoming edit-a-thons will be announced to the members who will spread the word to the UNC student body and anyone who is interested.

3. Do you have experienced Wikimedia editors to lead the event?

We are bringing at least five editors who have been on Wiki for a year or more, many of whom focus on Wiki content on a weekly basis at HGAPS meetings, to facilitate the meeting and breakout sessions.

4. Do participants have the equipment or skills needed to participate and contribute to high-quality content? If not, how will you support them?

Attendees of the ABCT conference by default have strong interest in clinical psychology, and many are passionate about the dissemination and sharing of research and information. A large proportion have or are pursuing doctoral degrees, which gives them the content expertise to provide quality input on Wiki content. HGAPS members will all bring personal computers to the event location which will have internet access and a projector, and we will ask attendees to bring their computers as well. There is WiFi throughout the convention venue.

5. How will you engage participants after the event(s)?

We will have prizes for "winners" of the edit-a-thons which will incentivize attendees to return to the next edit-a-thon event. In addition, we will provide entrance and exit surveys to quantify the success of our event. HGAPS members will upload and revise any remaining notes taken if necessary. We will also be asking for contact information to reach out to participants who wish to continue to be involved in Wiki editing after each event.
6. Is there anything else you want to tell us about this project?
HGAPS has experience leading edit-a-thons, including more than ten at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, as well as pilot edit-a-thons at national clinical psychology conferences (the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology's Future Directions Forum (JCCAP FDF) in 2017, 2018, and 2019, and the Miami International Child and Adolescent Mental Health (MICAMH) Conference in 2018 and 2019). HGAPS worked closely with several other psychology professional societies on previous projects, including CODAPAR Projects with the American Psychological Association and several of its divisions.


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How will you know if the project is successful and you've met your goals? Please include the following targets:

  1. Number of events
1 plus follow-up via email listservs
  1. Number of participants
50-100 (5+ HGAPS facilitators, 50 members of the Bipolar SIG, members of the Atlanta Wikipedia Interest Group, general attendees of the ABCT convention); dissemination will be via listservs with total membership of 10,000+ psychologists and students.
  1. Number of new editors
2-10; we are picking pages that are likely to be of sustained interest to new psychology editors
  1. Number of articles created or improved
We have a set of more than 50 pages on Wikiversity, and a corresponding set of pages for the general public on Wikipedia, that we have edited or built and would like to "focus group," update, and then disseminate. We have identified 60 psychology articles that are stub-class on Wikipedia that are a good match with ABCT attendee interest and should be opportunities for quick upgrades.
  1. Number of repeat participants (for projects that include a series of events)
The HGAPS chapters at the Universities of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of Maryland, and Appalachian State University have teams of editors who will follow up on the pages. We aim to expose thousands of psychologists and students to the content and process, engage more than 100 at the conference in providing feedback and making edits, and get 20 new user accounts created and linked to our project dashboards.


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What resources do you have? Include information on who is organizing the project, what they will do, and if you will receive support from anywhere else (in-kind donations or additional funding).

  • Organized by experienced Wiki editors from HGAPS
  • HGAPS attendees will bring their own laptops and editing skills
  • Intended to be a satellite meeting for ABCT, which is only open to attendees who register for a fee
  • The Bipolar Special Interest Group is committing meeting space and time for presenting the project at the convention (90 min).
  • The HGAPS chapter at the University of Maryland will continue to edit pages on psychotherapy for bipolar disorder and substance misuse (8 editors); HGAPS editors at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will continue to edit and disseminate pages on mood disorder prodrome, evidence-based psychological assessment; and HGAPS editors at Appalachian State University will continue to focus on suicide assessment and prevention resources for the weeks following the edit-a-thon at ABCT. These chapters meet weekly (UNC-Chapel Hill) or twice a month (U of Maryland and Appalachian State).

What resources do you need? For your funding request, list bullet points for each expense and include a total amount.

  • $550 Room/Equipment/Internet fee at the conference center (could get conference center off-site?)
  • $850 Partial coverage of hotel/registration/flight cost for the HGAPS student facilitators(s)
  • $350 Prizes (100, 50, 25 x 2, as with CODAPAR 2016 Edit-a-Thons)
  • $100 Parking for Atlanta Wikipedia Meetup contacts (not otherwise attending conference)
  • $150 Coffee and snacks for participants
  • $50 Printing of advertisement material

TOTAL: $2,000