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Guided Meditations/Chakra Meditation

From Wikiversity

This resource is a guided chakra meditation script:[1]

Begin by finding a comfortable seated position with your spine straight and your hands resting on your lap. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.

Now, bring your attention to your root chakra, located at the base of your spine. Visualize a bright red light glowing at your root chakra, and imagine it growing brighter with each inhale.

As you focus on your root chakra, imagine any negative energy or blockages being released and replaced with positive, healing energy. Allow yourself to fully immerse in the sensations of your root chakra, noticing any sensations or emotions that arise.

Now, move your attention to your sacral chakra, located in your lower abdomen. Visualize a warm, orange light glowing at your sacral chakra, and imagine it growing brighter with each inhale.

As you focus on your sacral chakra, imagine any negative energy or blockages being released and replaced with positive, healing energy. Allow yourself to fully immerse in the sensations of your sacral chakra, noticing any sensations or emotions that arise.

Next, move your attention to your solar plexus chakra, located in your upper abdomen. Visualize a bright, yellow light glowing at your solar plexus chakra, and imagine it growing brighter with each inhale.

As you focus on your solar plexus chakra, imagine any negative energy or blockages being released and replaced with positive, healing energy. Allow yourself to fully immerse in the sensations of your solar plexus chakra, noticing any sensations or emotions that arise.

Now, move your attention to your heart chakra, located in the center of your chest. Visualize a warm, green light glowing at your heart chakra, and imagine it growing brighter with each inhale.

As you focus on your heart chakra, imagine any negative energy or blockages being released and replaced with positive, healing energy. Allow yourself to fully immerse in the sensations of your heart chakra, noticing any sensations or emotions that arise.

Next, move your attention to your throat chakra, located in your throat. Visualize a bright, blue light glowing at your throat chakra, and imagine it growing brighter with each inhale.

As you focus on your throat chakra, imagine any negative energy or blockages being released and replaced with positive, healing energy. Allow yourself to fully immerse in the sensations of your throat chakra, noticing any sensations or emotions that arise.

Now, move your attention to your third eye chakra, located in the center of your forehead. Visualize a deep, purple light glowing at your third eye chakra, and imagine it growing brighter with each inhale.

As you focus on your third eye chakra, imagine any negative energy or blockages being released and replaced with positive, healing energy. Allow yourself to fully immerse in the sensations of your third eye chakra, noticing any sensations or emotions that arise.

Finally, move your attention to your crown chakra, located at the top of your head. Visualize a bright, white light glowing at your crown chakra, and imagine it growing brighter with each inhale.

As you focus on your crown chakra, imagine any negative energy or blockages being released and replaced with positive, healing energy. Allow yourself to fully immerse in the sensations of your crown chakra, noticing any sensations or emotions that arise.

Take a few deep breaths and then slowly open your eyes. Take a moment to notice any changes in how you feel, and then gently bring yourself back to your day.

  1. This material was provided primarily by ChatGPT.