Google/Search and Wikiversity/2019
Query,Clicks,Impressions,CTR,Position computer software,16,405,3.95%,6.89 types of software,12,152,7.89%,7.81 electron beam heating,5,45,11.11%,3.91 migrate to new technology,5,18,27.78%,7.17 ohio scale,4,58,6.9%,6.31 ohio scales scoring,4,14,28.57%,3.64 classification of literature,3,16,18.75%,1.38 type of software,2,114,1.75%,7.4 emergency medicine organization,2,46,4.35%,14.41 workplace diversity definition,2,42,4.76%,10.5 toefl itp wiki,2,35,5.71%,5.77 types of computer software,2,30,6.67%,4.83 name three software that are loaded on your computer,2,24,8.33%,1.79 hgaps,2,19,10.53%,5.68 amitosis,2,13,15.38%,26.23 name of software devices,2,4,50%,1 10 example of software,2,3,66.67%,1 what is written literature,2,2,100%,25.5 mcat topics,1,183,0.55%,30.27 technomantra,1,85,1.18%,9.47 alien sightings,1,79,1.27%,86.51 tài liệu giáo dục,1,68,1.47%,5.66 penskins,1,66,1.52%,5.77 software types,1,40,2.5%,8.68 beam heating,1,30,3.33%,8.9 ohio scales assessment,1,19,5.26%,9 computer software 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