Google/Search and Wikiversity/2017

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This is a report on some of the results found in the Jan. 8, 2018 data download with commentary. See the summary at Google/Search and Wikiversity for context. The raw data is available in the subpages below.

Results from Google Webmaster Tools

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Which pages at Wikiversity are most linked to?

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The complete dataset is listed below. The source domain for the one entry is so it looks like Google has stopped tracking external links to our site.

Domains,Links,Linked pages,10,1
Links to
(Downloaded Jan. 8, 2018)
Page Links Domains
Principles_of_electricity 10 1

Which search queries return Wikiversity pages?

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In the past month Wikiversity has made between 4 to 45 "impressions" with 0 to 1 clicks through to our site.

The complete data can be found at Google/Search and Wikiversity/2017/Queries

Which search results are people clicking on?

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(Downloaded Jan. 8, 2018)
Queries Clicks Impressions CTR Position
ohio scales assessment 1 1 100.00% 8
ohio scales scoring 1 1 100.00% 1
e-notation 1 4 25.00% 29
hgaps 1 4 25.00% 7.5
principles of electricity 1 6 16.67% 12
penskins 1 21 4.76% 6.8