General Engineering Projects/quiz
<quiz display=simple> {Why isn't there are a best practice engineering documentation format? |type="[]"} + engineers and their documentation are hidden from the public + most engineering documentation is either a corporate or national secret + most engineering documentation audeinces are internal to an organization - engineers are not taught how to document in school }
{What are the goals of engineering documentation? |type="[]"} + document failure - document success + establish starting points + improve project management }
{What are the goals of tutorials? |type="[]"} + document success - document failure + train technicians + set standards }
{What is CDIO? |type="[]"} - a national organization + an international organization - an MIT organization - an ABET organization }
{What is the CDIO syllabus? |type="[]"} - a documentation standard + a superset of all engineering education objectives - a course description + a list of topics that should be covered sometime during undergraduate engineering courses }
{What is DIY? |type="[]"} - a movement started by engineers - a movement to create engineers - Do It Yourself .. fix anything + Do It Yourself .. Create something and show it to the world! }
{Why does the Scientific method kill Engineering? |type="[]"} + scientists narrow all topics down to "their specialty", engineers are interested in everything + scientists avoid asking questions about "their specialty" in order to gain respect, engineers ask everyone questions about the project they are on to gain respect. + scientists are secretive and reserved about sharing details, engineers (within a team) share everything - scientists tell engineers what to do }
{The ideal context, the justification, the answer to the question "Why are we studying this?" in engineering is? |type="[]"} - maybe you will need it - this is what historically works - engineers need to develop a common background to communicate - eventually you will contribute to a project that may need this training + learn how to learn + learn what you don't know + learn what you don't want to know + the project(s) I am involved with or want to be involved with are associated with this course }
{What is Scaffolding in an educational context? |type="[]"} - something that has to be built before work can be started + something that has to be taught to students before they can work on a project }
{Why is the scaffolding concept wrong in an engineering context? |type="[]"} + sometimes not knowing produces better project outcomes than knowing + engineers have to learn on their own, they do things first + engineers have to create the original scaffolding - it is important to invent the wheel all over again }
{Why is project negotiation with the instructor important? |type="[]"} + sets the stage for task negotiation and project documentation negotiation + getting onto projects is major aspect of engineering - alternative to problem negotiation - getting on the projects that match your interests - getting on projects that you have had previous success in }
{Engineering Projects should: |type="[]"} + increase schools reputation - serve as a bonding experience between students + mature students away from "hands on" desire to design + mature students into owning problems }
{Why are Engineering Projects at first a short (4 weeks)? |type="[]"} + recover from students dropping out + practice documentation hand off + mitigates personality issues + serves diversity/freedom needs - limits the scope of materials needed }
{Why are there a limited number of projects to choose from at first? |type="[]"} + limits the scope of materials needed - professors don't know everything - students don't know everything - college as a institution forces this on the engineering department }
{Why are students encouraged to stay on a project with the same team mates? |type="[]"} + push projects forward more + it takes time to get up to speed on a project - encourage listening to other team/project presentations - enable students to talk to the previous team if the documentation is not clear }
{Why is only project documentation graded and not the success of the project itself? |type="[]"} - major goal is learning to document failure, success objectives cloud this issue + documentation leads to replication better than preserving a working version - project management and team work need to be graded - success is not important + defining success is difficult in open ended projects }
{Why are projects graded continuously? |type="[]"} + to encourage students to work at an even, sustainable pace + to grade project management participation and team work + to encourage fact/success/failure collection in the moment, rather than later from memory + to generate constructive conversations }
{Why is most of the project grade determined by individual work? |type="[]"} + most project work is done individually - instructor needs to see who is doing what + team and project management needs to see who is doing what - identify slackers }
{Projects finish (from a grading point of view) with: |type="[]"} - demonstrations of success - creations of tutorials + publishing of team documentation - final presentation - projects day }
{Class time is for: |type="[]"} - working on projects - being shown how to do stuff by instructors + making presentations + getting notebook graded + working on documentation - getting project pages graded + negotiating individual tasks with instructor + negotiating project pages with instructor }
{Students who love "hands on experiences" are |type="[]"} + immature - going to become technicians - going to become engineers - want to play }
{Project materials are: |type="[]"} - purchased by students - reward for designing something + most often the result of the hard work of previous teams }
{Project materials that are needed but unavailable are: |type="[]"} - excuses to stop working on the project + a problem that can result in modeling with different substances + an excuse to brainstorm alternative materials - reason to raise money and purchase outside of established processes }
{Project materials that are taken home: |type="[]"} - become the property of the student + must be returned + may result in penalties like those found in a library if not returned }
{Each week, what is graded? |type="[]"} - one presentation + one notebook review + one wikiversity weekly review - one quiz }
{What is found on the wikiversity project page? |type="[]"} + We statements where the team summarizes their work - I statements associated with individual planned task and actual work - references to a CDIO document - individual weekly report + pictures, videos, etc. }
{Where are tutorials found? |type="[]"} - in wikiversity general engineering projects + in wikiversity general engineering tutorials }
{Instructors grade notebooks how? |type="[]"} - students leave notebooks in the classroom in piles + students ask instructor to grade notebooks in class once a week - instructor asks students for their notebooks so they can be graded }
{Instructors grade electronic documentation in wikiversity how? |type="[]"} - in class in front of students + early in the week, all at once, outside of class time - continuously }
{Which below are parts of the weekly grading rubric? |type="[]"} - project page grading + grades posted with feed back in Canvas - form points .. using wikiversity correctly, writing in expected pages - commitment points ... putting positive comments on team mates project discuss pages, transparency, putting stuff away, following safety rules, checking stuff in and out of inventory + push points + tasking points }
{What are some examples of things that push points are awarded for? |type="[]"} - good team page building + inspirational links + good documentation of what doesn't work, is not working + designs, drawings + decision matrices, decision trees + good problems descriptions without implied solutions - driving to every hardware store looking for a part - hard work - lots of time spent working on the project }
{How do students get feedback on their notebook writing? |type="[]"} + instructors comments on even pages + verbally from team mates reading each other's notebooks - blue pen mark up of English mistakes }
{What below is part of the notebook grading rubric? |type="[]"} + form ... writing in the right place in the right format + drawings ... 3-5 points per drawing, 1 point per feature described + doing ... 3 points for each GoingToDo, Doing, Rant triplet - scientific method .. hypothesis, procedure, conclusion - logic and order .. lack of chaos }
{When grading, what are instructors looking for that is to be avoided? |type="[]"} + trivial, repetitive writing + after the fact writing + logical narrative + common sense, well known facts + same emotion in handwriting for hours (lack of frustration) + problem solution pairs + more or less than three triplets per hour per page on average }
{The grading of this course is continuous and complicated. If a student wants to question their grade, what is the best way? |type="[]"} + fill out the student spreadsheet, hand to instructor and ask for comparison with the gradebook - keep running total in your head, compute each week points that should be added - complain to the instructor that grades are not increasing as should be expected - begin worrying about grade at the end of the semester }
{At the end of a project, teams are rewarded for |type="[]"} - finishing the project + completing negotiated project documentation - demonstrating success }
{Weekly reports are: |type="[]"} - done by teams weekly - done during presentations + done individually on wikiversity user pages - summarized on a project page }
{Team project points are released to team members upon: |type="[]"} - successful demonstration of project working + accomplishing the problem/requirement/finish tasks + finishing team documentation - presenting at the engineering seminar }
{The team project percentage comes from: |type="[]"} - pool of 100 points per team member - push points from tasks + moving all team members push point documentation into team documentation + integrating with previous documentation and each others - team mates }
{Team project points are allocated among team members by |type="[]"} - team consensus and the instructor + push points from tasks - who got the most push points - who worked on the project documentation }