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Games of gain-ground/Handball International Championships

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Handball International Championships
Chapter 10
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Games of gain-ground

In September, 2012, the Internacional Ball Sport Federation (C.I.J.B) decided to create 4 modalities of the ball game in international competitions [1]:

  • Pelota autóctona,
  • One Wall,
  • International game and
  • Llargues.

Llargues is a game of gain-ground.

International competition of Llargues [2]

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The llargues is a Valencian pilota modality that takes place in the street. The Internacional Ball Sport Federation established rules to make an international sport by making him play on a ground used for the Balle pelote.

Dutch and Valencian Pilota Squad - Dia de la Pilota 2006 (València - Spain)
Champions League Final of Bond Luzea-Llargues - october 2016 - San Sebastián (Spain) =
Basroode (Belgium) / Berlikum (Netherlands) 6-3.

If on the serve the ball surpassed the midfield the ball must be hit on the air or after the first rebound on the ground, but if the ball arrives bouncing before the midfield then there is no one-rebound limit.

When a team gets two "lines", or the score is "40 and 1 line", both teams must change their respective mid-fields.

The point may be attained directly or postponed.

  • Direct points are obtained:
    • When the ball surpasses the opponent's end line.
    • When an opponent player hits the ball but it doesn't advance.
    • When a player hits the ball with any other part of the body but the hand, except in case of blocking the ball.
  • Postponed points are those got when winning the "line".

Lines are a signal resting on a side of the field marking the place where a ball has been blocked so that it didn't advance any more in the defending team's area. When teams swap midfields (and, by that, passing to serve) the new serving team tries to attain the lines they did at the "receive field". In order to get them, they must throw the ball surpassing that line so that it's blocked behind that line, then the postponed point is scored. If they don't get to send it so far or it's blocked in their own side of the line then it's the opponent team who obtains the point.

International game

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The International game ( jeu international in french , joc internacional in valancian ) is a ball game modality that joins up many sports allegedly derived from the Longue paume. It's played in the Handball International Championships by teams from the Americas and Europe.

International game is played on a rectangular, flat surface, 70 m long and 20 m wide (15 m at the "service" end). The endings of this rectangle are the "service" and the "receive" lines. In the "service" field there is an 8x8 m area, that's the "service box".

For women, the rectangular is 60 m long and 15 m wide with a service box 6 x 6 m.

Every ball game is played with a different ball, and when writing the rules of this new sport a ball everybody could feel comfortable with was searched. Not as small and tough as the Valencian badana or as big and heavy as the Italian one.

It's played with a white rubber ball. No gloves but small protections are allowed.

Two teams formed by 5 players play to score more games by hitting a ball with the hand.

Every point consists of four points: 15, 30, 40 and game.

Every point begins when a rotating player from the team at the "service" field throws the ball from the "service box", after that players hit it in order to send it behind the opponent's end line or, at least, move it as far as possible.


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  1. game rules on cijb.info
  2. game of Llargues on C.I.J.B
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