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Fundamentals of Neuroscience/Exams/Quiz III

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1 The purpose of the eye's lens is to:

Magnify images
Focus light
Enhance images
Reflect light

2 How is visual information sorted by preliminary optic pathways?

Input from the left eye travels to the left visual cortex, and vice versa
Input from the left eye travels to the right visual cortex, and vice versa
Input from the left field of vision travels to the left visual cortex, and vice versa
Input from the left field of vision travels to the right visual cortex, and vice versa

3 All of the following are true about the visual system EXCEPT:

Cone cells are more abundant than rod cells
Rod cells are adept at motion detection
Cone cells are concentrated where visual acuity is greatest
Rod cells do not respond selectively to different wavelengths of light

4 Select all of the following which accurately describe cortical visual processing:

Each successive layer processes increasingly complex visual information
The primary visual cortex (V1) already processes motion information
Color perception begins at the V2 layer of the occipital cortex
Depth perception is generated by advanced level spatial understanding pathways
The visual stream passing through the parietal lobe is responsible for object recognition

5 Which of the following best describes how sound waves enter the cochlea?

Pressure waves in the air vibrate a membrane on the cochlea
Specialized nerve cells detect air vibration and send this information to the cochlea
Pressure waves trigger the movement of a series of bones which vibrate the cochlea

6 T/F: The first nervous system cells involved in hearing are hair cells


7 What role do mechanoreceptors play in the cochlea?

Detecting vibrations of the cochlear membrane
Detecting the movement of fluid within the cochlea
Detecting the force exerted by the ossicles
The cochlea does not contain any mechanoreceptors

8 All of the following are true about auditory processing EXCEPT:

Sound location is determened by interaural time differnces
Pitch information is encoded by what area of the cochlea gets activated
Both the primary and secondary auditory cortices are on the temporal lobe
The first destination of the auditory nerve coming from the ear is the primary auditory cortex

9 T/F: The olfactory bulb is linked to the limbic system


10 The chemicals responsible for smell and taste are, respectively:

Olfactants and gustants
Olfactants and tastants
Odorants and gustants
Odorants and tastants

11 Perceptual qualities in both taste and smell are generated by

Activation of receptors specific for certain perceptions
Activation of collections of receptors in different patterns
Differential activation of receptors at specific regions of the tongue or olfactory bulb
Co-activation of two receptor types by a specific stimulus

12 Select all of the following which could be detected by a mechanoreceptor:


13 How is a given class of receptor's sensitivity primarily determined?

Receptor shape and location on the body
Receptor density and shape
Receptor depth in the skin and density
All receptors within a given class are equally sensitive to stimulation

14 How are sensory inputs organized by the primary sensory cortex?

According to location on the body
According to receptor type
According to stimulus type
According to receptor depth in the skin

15 Select all of the ways a nociceptor may be activated:

Directly by physical damage to the cell
Directly by a strong pressure applied to the cell
Directly by the loss of cells
Indirectly by chemicals released by damaged cells
Indirectly by chemicals released by immune cells
Indirectly by psychological influences

16 Differences between touch processing and pain processing include:

Many classes and types of mechnoreceptors vs few varying types
Passing through intermediate processing steps vs direct route to the cortex
Most receptors near the surface of the skin vs most buried in the lower dermis
One main cortical processing area vs very diffuse processing

17 What is the neurotransmitter used at neuromuscular synapses?

Many types of neurotransmitters are usually used

18 What is the role of the basal ganglia in movement?

Generating movement commands
Filtering out excess movement commands
Atuning muscle coordination
Processing inputs from muscle spindles

19 What is the role of muscle spindles in movement?

Causing muscle fibers to contract
Causing muscle fibers to relax
Detecting muscle stretch following contraction
Detecting muscle fatigue (through lactate levels)

20 T/F: Involuntary motion only requires basic input from the brainstem or cerebellum
