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Film editing/Understanding "L-Cuts"/Fireworks Display

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Narrative Film Production:
Course: Fundamentals of narrative film editing (which is editing a conversation from a dramatic scene with scripted dialog.)
This lesson is:
Understanding "L-Cuts" in dialog editing
The pages of this lesson are:
Summary - "Hearing Voices" & "Fireworks Display"
What are "L-Cuts"?
When are "L-Cuts" allowed?
"Hearing Voices" DVD-Video
"Fireworks Display" DVD-Video

Four ways to use "L-Cuts"

The ultimate two way conversation

Four different ways to use "L-Cuts"
The best way to learn about editing a conversation is to get the film dailies for a scene and edit the scene. In this case, you see the scene edited four different ways. The only difference is the "L-Cuts" yet the impact is huge.
The story
A rich man is talking to the workmen about a fireworks display that he wants for the picnic. The workmen think he is crazy. So will you.
A challenge
This scene was shot quickly with only a few shots to get all the coverage. Not all the shots match perfectly. The performances change from the wide angle shot to the close up shot.
So you must worry about a lot of things, not just how to create "L-Cuts".

A simple scene from a TV drama

DVD-Video disk
The Star Movie Shop has a disk which shows a two way conversation. The disk is called "Fireworks Display".
The disk is both a DVD-Video with a demonstration of how this scene can be edited. You just watch the demos and see the many options.
Also the disk is a DVD-Data disk containing all the film dailies for use in your editing program.
Enough points?
If you have enough points, let me know and the disk will be send to you.

Who do you want to emphasize?

L-Cuts emphasize one actor over the other
This disk contains the unedited film footage of one scene which has two people talking. This is probably the absolute ideal conversation to explore. All the examples that are on this disk as just from "L-Cuts".
In a conversation, you can use "L-Cuts" to:
  • See the speaker who is talking.
  • See the listener before he begins to speak. This gives the feeling of anticipation.
  • See the listener after he finishes speaking. This shows the listeners reaction.
  • Emphasize one actor over another.
Your will see that making "L-Cuts" and adding cut away shots changes the way that the audience interprets the scene.
IRou editing creates the emotional content of the scene.

Very Educational

Educational but boring!
This is concidered the most boring disk from the Star Movie Shop. This is because you will see this scene edited four different ways. The difference is only with the "L-Cuts". Everything else is the same (or almost the same).

The next lesson

The next lesson discusses editing a conversation to add narrative music.

Contact your instructor

Your instructor for this film editing class is Robert Elliott. You can email me by clicking here.