GarageBand/Graduation Day - Music Cue 1

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These instructions are designed for GarageBand 3 plus the sounds of a symphony orchestra.
GarageBand is easy and fast yet powerful enough to do film scoring.
Please, tell me if you find anything as good!

This course in music and filmmaking is:
Film scoring introduction for filmmakers
This lesson is:
Lesson #01: Creating the sound of "Fear" with GarageBand and the sounds of a symphony orchestra
The pages in this lesson are:
Lesson Summary: Creating moods using the instruments of the symphony orchestra
Page 1: Getting started with GarageBand and symphony orchestra
Page 2: Creating the sound of fear with GarageBand - 6 points
Page 3: Creating additional moods with individual notes - 6 points
Optional: Create a musical cue for the motion picture "Graduation Day" - 20 points
Music Cue #1 for "Graduation Day"


I need a single note
You have learned that a single note can be used to create a musical sound effect that creates a mood.
Your instructor (that's me!) is creating a film score for the Super 16mm motion picture short called "Graduation Day". I need your help"
I need a sound effect that indicated that the hero has to go to use the toilet.
How can you do this with just one simple chord.

Here is the sound I currently am using. It needs to be faint but it also needs to be uncomfortable. Please help:

GD Music Cue 1.ogg

"Graduation Day"

Super 16mm motion picture short

This is a 5-minute motion picture which is currently in post production (2007-05-26)

"I got to pee!"

Musical Cue #1 - Discomfort

A simple one-note musical cue

After a long day of filing, our hero need to find a toilet.

You must make the audience aware that he feels discomfort.

How can you do this with a single musical chord?


Apple's GarageBand plus the sounds of a symphony orchestra
I am creating this film score using GarageBand and Jam Pack:Symphony Orchestra.
Next week, I will be getting MUTO's Symphonic Instrument which has additional musical instruments for GarageBand.
Using just this combination, I need a GarageBand project file which creates the feeling of mild discomfort. Currently, I am using a violin trill cord. I need a better cord but I don't know how to do this.
Can you help me? Robert Elliott 12:18, 26 May 2007 (UTC)

The next lesson

In your next lesson, you must create musical sounds with rhythms.

Contact your instructor

Your instructor for this filmmaking class is Robert Elliott. You can email me by clicking here.

Shortcuts to the other music lessons for film scoring: The Introduction"Fear""Joy""Drama"The Workshop

Completed Homework Assignments - Music Cue #1
Film score music example for Film Scoring:Graduation Day:Music Cue 1
  • Eze has completed this assignment. . (2007-05-27)
From Spain, he sent me a project file from GarageBand designed to work with the musical instruments of Apple's Jam Pack:Symphony Orchestra. I converted this to an OGG file which you can hear by clicking here. 20 points. Thank you for being the first to complete this assignment.