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Film Scoring/Melody/Creating the sound of drama with GarageBand and symphony orchestra

From Wikiversity


Under Construction This Week

These lessons on film scoring are under construction this month

These instructions are designed for GarageBand 3 plus the sounds of a symphony orchestra.
GarageBand is easy and fast yet powerful enough to do film scoring.
Please, tell me if you find anything as good!

This course in music and filmmaking is:
Film scoring introduction for filmmakers
This lesson is:
Lesson #3 - Using melody to create moods with GarageBand and the sounds of a symphony orchestra
The pages in this lesson are:
Page 1: Creating moods with melodies
Page 2: Creating a simple melody using GarageBand - 6 points
Page 3: Creating a melody which tells a story - 6 points
Page 4: Creating a simple motif - 6 points
Page 5: Creating continuity with melodies - 6 points
Page 6: Create a musical cue for "Graduation Day" - #2 - 20 points
Lesson #03 - Learn how to create the sound of Drama!

Lesson Summary - "Tiny bells all in a row"

In this lesson, you learn to create musical sound effects with repeating patterns. That means we use rhythm to create the mood. Here is how we will do this:

1. On one track of GarageBand, select four notes to be played by high pitched bells. Make the notes very short so they entire sequence plays in one second or less.

2. Drag the region so it repeats for about four seconds (about four times). Now you have sixteen bell sounds in four seconds.

Now we have a good feeling. But if we want more, we can try many different things to enhance this sound.

3. With a soft sounding instrument on another track, play the same four notes slowly, one per second.

Using this a base, you can add even more tracks with additional sounds to enhance the sound.

Where are we?

This lesson is the second of three lessons in film scoring for non-musicians (filmmakers).

1. Creating music with individual notes. In the previous lesson, we learned that by using symphonic instruments in GarageBand, we can create many different moods with just a single note.

2. Creating music with rhythm.

In this lesson, we will learn that we can create moods with tiny rhythms.

3. Creating music with melody. In the next lesson, we will learn to create moods with simple melodies.

More info someday...

Hopefully, soon, this lesson will be greatly expanded with lots of examples. For now, if you think you can do it, please go ahead and try.

Left Column is #FFFFE0

Simple title line
Lots of wonderful text. Even more text. Great text is the best text but marvelous text is even better yet. Text text text text text.
Another simple title
Lots of wonderful text. Even more text. Great text is the best text but marvelous text is even better yet. Text text text text text. Text text text text text. Text text text text text. Text text text text text. Text text text text text.
Third title line
Lots of wonderful text. Even more text. Great text is the best text but marvelous text is even better yet. Text text text text text.

Right Column is Cornsilk

Simple title line
Lots of wonderful text. Even more text. Great text is the best text but marvelous text is even better yet. Text text text text text.

The Next Page

The first thing we will do is have a pop quiz.

Contact Your Instructor

Learn how to create a humming score.

Simplify, simpify, simplify!

For this lesson, you use midi files to create a film score.

1. Locate great sounding midi files from classical music (before 1900).

2. Isolate a single phrase, usually one to three seconds long.

3. Isolate a single instrument (or two) from the entire. You want the main melody without much else.

4. Built the music sound effect from these few notes (or cords) by assigning the elements to different instruments of the symphony orchestra which create the emotion you are looking for. This will always be different from the original musical instruments.

The goal is to get a professional sound which is simple and pure.

Pictures to follow shortly...

Film scoring lessons

Below are Mad Max's Music Lessons. To the right are general filmmaking lessons.

Supplemental A: Examples of Narrative Music Supplemental B: A fun movie which needs a film score

Contact Your Instructor

Please email me by simply clicking here.
Lessons in
Basic Filmmaking

· Informational lessons:Understanding filmmaking· All about lenses · Marketing and publicity · Plan the movie
· Reference materials: Thumbnail library · Storyboard worksheet · Original story · Script outline · Script (pdf) · Floor plan