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Storyboard Outline for Seduced by the Dark Side

From Wikiversity
Thumbnail storyboard for Seduced by the Dark Side

Thumbnail Storyboarding

This is part of the Lesson in Thumbnail Storyboarding
Print out this sheet and quickly draw the rough storyboards with a pencil.
#1 - The opening shot

EXTERIOR - The local movie theater - NIGHT

(1) The Young Person and Old Person stand looking at the movie poster outside the theater.

How do you want to start the movie?
The thumbnail storyboard
Instructions to camera person

#1b - Second shot -- (if any)
Add a second shot if you wish.
The thumbnail storyboard
Instructions to camera person

#2 - The boy begins to speak.

(2) Young Person: "That was a great movie..."

How do you want the young person to appear?
The thumbnail storyboard
Instructions to camera person

#3 - The boy has a thought.

(3) Young Person (contined): "but I do not understand one thing."

How do you want the young person to appear?
The thumbnail storyboard
Instructions to camera person

#4 - The old person is curious.

(4) Old Person: "What's that?"

How do you want the old person to appear?
The thumbnail storyboard
Instructions to camera person

#5 - The boy asks the question.

(5) Young Person: "How can anyone be seduced by the Dark Side?"

How do you want the young person to appear?
The thumbnail storyboard
Instructions to camera person

#6 - The old person must think for a moment.

(6) The old person thinks for a while. Old Person: "Humm."

How do you want the old person to appear?
The thumbnail storyboard
Instructions to camera person

#7 - The old person has an idea.

(7) Old Person: "What computer do you have at home?"

How do you want the old person to appear?
The thumbnail storyboard
Instructions to camera person

#8 - The joy of owning a Macintosh

(8) Young Person (eagerly): "A Macintosh!"

How do you want the young person to appear?
The thumbnail storyboard
Instructions to camera person

#9 - Now for the second part of the question.

(9) Old Person: "But what computer does your father use at work?"

How do you want the old person to appear?
The thumbnail storyboard
Instructions to camera person

#10 - Now it is the young person's time to think.

(10) The young person thinks for a moment. Young Person: "Humm."

How do you want the young person to appear?
The thumbnail storyboard
Instructions to camera person

#11 - True understanding of the meaning of life.

(11) Young Person (amazed and excited): "Seduced by the Dark Side!"

How do you want the young person to appear?
The thumbnail storyboard
Instructions to camera person

#12 - The bonding of the older generation with the younger generation

(12) The Old Person smiles. Old Person: "Ahh."

How do you want the old person to appear?
The thumbnail storyboard
Instructions to camera person

#13 - The exit

(13) Old Person and the Young Person walk toward home together.

How do they walk home?
The thumbnail storyboard
Instructions to camera person

#13b - The exit (continued)

(13) Old Person and the Young Person continue to walk toward home together.

How do you want the movie to end?
The thumbnail storyboard
Instructions to camera person

Reference materials

Reference materials for Seduced by the Dark Side! that you might need.
  • The storyboard outline. Print this script outline and use the numbers on this script for your thumbnail storyboards.
  • The original story. To get additional information for your storyboards, look at the original story.
  • A possible floor plan for the movie set. This will help you plan your shots.