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Film School Computer Disks

From Wikiversity
Disks from the Star Movie Shop, Triplicane, Tamil Nadu

Required disks for the filmmaking, film editing, and film scoring classes

The disks from the Star Movie Shop are required for some classes. Fortunately, the instructor still has some of these disks which he will loan to you when you need them. You will have one month before you must return the disk.

  • Note: As of October 2007, the Star Movie Shop is no longer open to the public.
An introduction to filming and editing a conversation

"Follow Dave?" Editing Workshop CD

Educational animated movie
The "Follow Dave?" Editing Workshop CD-ROM contains an 11-minute animated educational movie which briefly explains all the steps of the editing of a dramatic scenes.
This disk which contains extensive written instructions. Designed for high school students and first year college film students.

Free offer for Wikiversity Film School students

Students of Wikiversity Film School receive this disk for free once they have completed:
Requires QuickTime. Limited time offer. Not available to all locations. Void where prohibited by law.
A look at the filming of dramatic scenes in Hollywood

"24 Unedited Scenes"

Half size film clips
This DVD-Data disk contains 24 unedited scenes which gives you a good overview of how dramatic scenes are are broken down into a series of shots and filmed in Hollywood. Excellent examples of how your film dailies should look.

Free offer for Wikiversity Film School students

Students of Wikiversity Film School receive this disk for free once they have completed either:
Basic Filmmaking Course
  • Answer lots of questions about the previous disk.
Film Editing Course
  • Edit the previous disk.
Requires QuickTime Pro. Limited time offer. Not available to all locations. Void where prohibited by law.
Film clips are less than VHS resolution . (320 by 240 pixels at 24 fps)
A simple parctice scene

Hearing Voices

Full size film clips
This NTSC DVD-Video/Data disk a very short and seemingly simple conversation. The DVD-Video section show the raw film footage and how it is assembled (the audio edit) and adjusted ("L-Cuts" or "Cut away shots"). The DVD-Data section contains the dailies in a variety of formats.

Free offer for Wikiversity Film School students

Students of Wikiversity Film School receive this disk for free once they have completed either:
Basic Filmmaking Course
  • Answer lots of questions about the previous disk. (Still under construction.)
Film Editing Course
  • Edit the previous disk.
Limited time offer. Not available to all locations. Void where prohibited by law.

An in depth look at "L-Cuts"

Fireworks Display

Half size film clips
This NTSC DVD-Video/Data disk contains a short technology demonstration of the impact of "L-Cut" on a conversation. There are four examples on the disk using the same scene and the same rough edit. Only the "L-Cuts" are different. (The easiest way to create "L-Cuts" is by locking the audio and rolling the picture edits.)
  1. Emphasizing the person who has just finished speaking. (Reaction)
  2. Emphasizing the person who is about to speak. (Anticipation)
  3. Emphasizing one person over another. (2 examples)

Free offer for Wikiversity Film School students

Students of Wikiversity Film School receive this disk for free once they have completed either:
Basic Filmmaking Course
  • Answer lots of questions about the previous disk. (Still under construction.)
Film Editing Course
  • Edit the previous disk.
Limited time offer. Not available to all locations. Void where prohibited by law.

How to lengthen a scene for a narrative film score

Blindman's Bluff

Editing dialog for film scoring
This NTSC DVD-Video/Data disk which contains two scenes -- one very short and one very long. There is an extremely brief demonstration of how a scene can be extended so that narrative music can be added between the dialog. There is an edited scene on the disk for musicians to practice film scoring.
The Star Movie Shop sells this disk set for $24 for the basic disk and $12 for DV dailies plus shipping.

Free offer for Wikiversity Film School students

Students of Wikiversity Film School receive this disk for free once they have completed either:
Basic Filmmaking Course
  • Answer lots of questions about the previous disk. (Still under construction.)
Film Editing Course
  • Edit the previous disk.
Limited time offer. Not available to all locations. Void where prohibited by law.

For film scoring

Home Wrecker

For film scoring
This DVD-Data disk contains 24 unedited scenes which gives you a good overview of how dramatic scenes are are broken down into a series of shots and filmed in Hollywood. Excellent examples of how your film dailies should look.

Free offer for Wikiversity Film School students

Students of Wikiversity Film School receive this disk for free once they have completed either:
Film Scoring Courses
  • The film scoring course for filmmakers and the film scoring course for musicians use this disk. You must have completed all the assignments up to this lesson.

Limited time offer. Not available to all locations. Void where prohibited by law.

For film scoring

Green Tea Smoothie

Ultra simple disk
This is an extremely simple NTSC DVD-Video/Data disk which contains two edited scenes which need a film score. In case you do not like the edit provided to you, you can create your own edit of the scene before you create your film score.

Free offer for Wikiversity Film School students

Students of Wikiversity Film School receive this disk for free once they have completed either:
Film Scoring Courses
  • The film scoring course for filmmakers and the film scoring course for musicians use this disk. You must have completed all the assignments up to this lesson.

Requires QuickTime 7 Pro. Limited time offer. Not available to all locations. Void where prohibited by law.

A look at the filming of one dramatic scene in Hollywood

Sweet Retrobution

Practice scene
This NTSC DVD-Video/Data disk set contains contains one practice scene. The first disk demonstrates the editing of a very long scene. The second disk contains the actual film dailies for you to edit. Specify NTSC or PAL. This is your final exam!

Free offer for Wikiversity Film School students

Students of Wikiversity Film School receive this disk for free once they have completed the film score for "Seduced by the Dark Side!" animatic.
QuickTime recommended. Limited time offer. Not available to all locations. Void where prohibited by law.

Contacting your instructor

When you are ready for these disks

Once you have completed all the assignments needed to receive a one-month loan of a disk, contact your instructor.

Contact your instructor

Your instructor for this filmmaking class is Robert Elliott. You can email me by clicking here.