Exercise and metabolic disease/Activity 2

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You are now familiar with a number of resources in the area you have been allocated. It's now time to put it all together in a useful resource, like a good textbook but online and dynamic. Afterall, you can't know everything all of the time, so its useful to know where to access information quickly that can help you work with clients and their condition.

  1. Each group has been allocated a wiki. You will need to create an account if you don't have one already (you may create an alias but you will need to tell me praivately what it is). Go to your wiki and log-in (I will initially need to approve this and at the end of Activity 3 the wiki will become open). Get a feel for editing the site and discuss with your group your own project management. The created wiki's are: hypertension, dyslipidemia and hyperlipidemia and end-stage renal disease.
  2. Using your annotated bibliographies, develop your group's wiki to form an online practioner's resource. You will need to synthesize your resources into a coherent and succinct site. The resource should be fully supported by research in a similar way to a literature review. The resource however will be more practical and offers the opportunity for multi and social media to be incorporated. The resource will also be an open resource, so anyone on the web will have potential access not only to view the resource, but also to develop and edit it.

Here is an idea of sections that you may want to include in the resource.

  • Scope of the AEP
  • Pathophysiology of the disease
  • Diagnosis (tests) and normal ranges
  • Medical and Clinical Considerations (typical complications)
  • Exercise Prescription (prevention/treatment)
  • Exercise Training (and monitoring)

Have a look at the Reflection Activity to see how the resource will eventually be used in this unit (though you will have as long as it stays online). You can create the wiki as the group decides. It is suggested however that separate categories (as listed above) appear on separate pages of the wiki.

Although this activity task will not be assessed directly, at the end of Activity 3, the resource will be assessed. This activity aims to ensure you cover key elements of the resource that will be assessed under the assessment overview. The elements that you should be seeking to ensure during this activity include:

  • coverage of literature - well researched and critiqued information, statements supported and any alternative views presented
  • synthesis of ideas and application
  • referencing included


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It is expected that this activity will be **completed by the start of week 9** if not earlier. There is no formal submission for this activity but progress will be discussed in week 9.


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Exercise Physiology scope of practice and position stands


Existing Static Resources

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Textbooks that act as a static resource for practioners in this area include: Human Kinetics' Clinical Exercise Physiology ACSM's Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription 6th ed ACSM's Resources for Clinical Exercise Physiology 2nd ed.

What are wikis? (this is one!)

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Video by Youtube user leelefever 2007: Wikis in Plain English

How do I edit a wiki like this one?

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Video by Youtube user Howcast 2010: How to Edit a Wikipedia Article (while this video refers to Wikipedia, the same techniques are for this wiki.