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Enterprise Resource Planning/Open Source

From Wikiversity
Completion status: this resource is ~50% complete.
Type classification: this is a lesson plan resource.


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  • This is intended to be a framework of a 10 module Executive Diploma in Open Source ERP.
  • It hopes to make graduates who followed this course to be capable in managing an implementation of an Open Source ERP application.
  • They would also be able to calculate the case of an OSS option versus a proprietary one with regard to risks and resources preparedness to ensure a successful outcome.
  • They would also be able to analyse basic requirements of typical target users and figure out the necessary modifications to fit those requirements.
  • They would either be able to implement the whole project on their own or work with a bigger team satisfactorily.
  • At the end of the course, they can participate with community members, vendors or practitioners as apprentices to gain valuable practical exposure and experience.
  • There can be a certification process by the author(s) to denote those who meet the passing mark.

ERP Goes Open Source

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  • Open Source has gone up the food chain. It is no longer about Linux and Apache. It has entered the realm of business software.
  • When Compiere ERP/CRM made its debut in 2001, it brings to the territory its first serious player challenging even the likes of SAP and Navision.
  • Since then many play the path and in many integrative units such as Dolibarr ERP/CRM, SugarCRM, Pentaho and Eclipse BIRT.

New Disruptive Landscape

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  • There is a need to comprehend this new disruptive playing field in business applications and its impact to vendors and users
  • A new landscape brings new definitions and names to the market. Much confusion is caused by names-dropping and repackaging of old theories and models. An example is the previously failed ASP (Application Service Provider) been repackaged as SaaS (Software as a Service).

The Need To Understand

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  • Many early attempts to implement Open Source in the business area have met with their golden share of failures. What are its true causes and remedies?
  • Is the chaos clearing itself and the dust settling? What do we watch out for? What to believe or not to believe?
  • Who are the pioneers and what can they tell us?

What is ERP?

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You most likely know what Open Source is, but what is ERP and what does it mean to have Open Source ERP?

ERP and ES

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  • ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning
    • Concerns the operations of any accounts-based organization
    • Face challenges in managing and analysing the flow of information involved
    • Organization interfaces with the supply chain of suppliers and consumers, both internal and external
    • Requires modern tools such as computers and software to allow efficiency of operations
  • ES stands for Enterprise Software that handles ERP
    • Often refered to as ERP Software
    • Interchangeable with the term ERP
    • Has come to mean Business Application Software that covers Business Intelligence (BI) and CRM

Where ERP comes from and goes to?

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  • Formerly started as Manufacturing MRP
  • Recently move up the value chain to ERP
  • Now even cover the areas of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and BI (Business Intelligence)
  • It may be an even more drastic Where is it going to? with ERP On Demand. Think Google-ERP.

Why is ERP Important?

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  • Accounting is the fundamental basis of all business activity
  • ERP has accounting in the backend and Supply Chain in the fore
  • Supply chaining means non redundancy and automation to the whole process

Free ERP Software

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  • Open Source has now moved higher the value chain to encompass business enterprise applications
  • Focus on business solutions and independent of other Open Source utilities such as Linux, Apache and MySQL
  • Highly complex to implement as ERP in itself is complex
  • Shall compete with proprietary ERP Software such as SAP, MS Navision, Oracle Financials and JD Edwards

Examples of Open Source ERP

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  • Compiere ERP/CRM [1]
  • OpenERP [2]
  • OpenBravo ERP [3]
  • ADempiere Bazaar [4]
  • Dolibarr ERP/CRM [5]
  • Erp5 [6]
  • Pentaho (BI) [7]
  • SugarCRM (CRM) [8]
  • Tryton [9]
  • Xtuple postbooks [10]
  • webERP [11]
  • Apache OFBiz [12]

What to Learn Here?

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  • Types of Open Source software and their advantages
    • Commercial vs Community Open Source
    • Licensing Model
  • How to evaluate their functional suitability for businesses
    • Scoping and Gaps Analysis
  • The challenge of implementation
    • Methodology and Good Practice
    • Phased and Protoyping Approach
  • Comparing to proprietary options and calculating TCO (Total Costs of Ownership)
    • Cost of Warranty and Intangible Risks
  • The Eco-System That Open Source ERP Today Involves
    • Involving the Community
    • Institutional Assets of Product
  • Learn From Both Sides of The Fence
    • As the End-User
    • As the Vendor
  • Go Under The Hood
    • Setting Up The Application
    • Debugging the Source

Short Course

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2 Day Technical Course

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  • Is part of the longer course but specific to technicalities

Day 1 Part I (4 hrs)

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  • How to Setup the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as Eclipse
  • Getting the source and porting into the IDE
  • Setting Up The Database and Sample Data
  • Setting Up The Application (based on ADempiere)
  • Check-up and System Utilities

Day 1 Part II (2hrs)

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  • Going through the App
  • Completing a Sales Order with new Client and Product
  • Checking the inventory
  • Shipment and Invoice
  • Purchasing through Receipt

Day 2 Part I

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  • Configuring the Window-Table
  • Incorporating Business Rules
  • Configuring Reports

Day 2 Part II

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  • Debugging and solving bugs
  • Extending the source
  • Example of an Addon (based on Posterita)

One Day Seminar

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  • This is as a general pre-sales buy-in of a public seminar

First Session (2hrs)

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  • What is Open Source?
  • TCO on ERP's favour
  • The Dilema of ERP and the Open Source Answer
  • The Miracle of the Bazaar

Second Session

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  • Demo of an ERP
  • Samples of vertical industries adaptation

3rd Session

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  • Demo of Posterita
  • Live Installations worldwide

Open Source ERP Implementation Course

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  • High-level Business Concern and Project Level Treatment
    • To see the whole challenge of implementing from a nutshell
    • To appreciate the context and challenge of business needs behind the promise of Open Source ERP
  • More for the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) community
    • Also known as End-Users
    • Give them idea of what to expect and thus make right decision if its worth DIY all the way
    • Deciding when not to do too much and outsource the crucial parts to experts
  • Can be for the Implementor Community
    • Also known as Systems Integrators (SI)
    • Able to educate End-Users the path and risks along the way
    • Use as roadmap to divide the role and tasks between them and End-Users in a contract
  • Even for the Developer Community
    • To be aware of the challenge of implementing as different and outside their scope
    • To know where to fit their skillsets into the roadmap

Chapter 1 - Knowing the Right Source

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  • Why Choose Open Source?
  • The TCO Pyramid
  • War Games Among Players
  • Ways to Evaluate Open Source Products
  • Reading The Source
  • Reading The License

Chapter 2 - Spelling Out Your Business

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  • Know Your Priorities and Pains
  • Making Your Wishlist
  • Identifying the Gaps
  • Getting the best fit

Chapter 3 - The Proposal & Selection Stage

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  • Issuing the RFP
  • Selecting The Vendor
  • Managing the Contract
  • The Exit Clause

Chapter 3 - Turning The Key

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  • Scoping for a phased approach
  • Prototyping and Proof-Of-Concept Approach
  • User Checklist
  • Before Cutting Over

Chapter 4 - Sustenance

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  • Disaster Recovery & Other Doomsday Scenarios
  • Return to the Source
  • Why Are Your Options Open?

Open Source ERP Practitioner Course

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  • For the newbie community who got infected with the passion of Open Source collaboration
  • For freelance contributors who wants to know how to sustain themselves the consultative way
  • Understanding the various segments who sees different Business Models in sustenance

Chapter 1 - Community Sentence

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  • Are You Up To It?
  • What Is The World Up To?
  • Serving The Community
  • Creating A Presence
  • Etiquette & Professional Conduct
  • Making Open Source Your Business

Chapter 2 - Approaching The Buyers

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  • Types of Buyers
  • Qualifying a Sale
  • Scoping the Project
  • Terms of Contract
  • Preparing the Team

Chapter 3 - Signing Off

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  • Reports on Progress
  • Sign-Off Strategies
  • Managing the Unexpected

Chapter 4 - Training

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  • Getting the audience
  • Hands-on Exercise
  • Continous Coaching

Chapter 5 - Support Contract

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  • Handing Over Options
  • Negotiating the Support Contract

Chapter 6 - Bad Buyers

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  • Why It Happen and How to deal with it?
  • There are no bad buyers but bad sellers
  • Avoiding bad deals
  • Questions to ask back

Project Workshop

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Here are samplings from prototype work or client projects. Trademarked and copyright information belonging to the prospects or clients are carefully removed or edited off.

  • Sample Project I - ERP/Dual UOMs - On how to resolve the different Unit of Measurements between Buyer and Seller within an ERP Application.
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  • All works here are from original authors and not taken from 3rd party sources
  • The course material and project works are suggestive materials awaiting peer review and not meant for professional consumption
  • Any business practice shown here are generic ones devoid of any practical advantage for any business to adopt against another competitor.
  • In case of the need to clarify any material depicted within here from the commercial or legal aspect please direct them to - Red1 05:49, 2 July 2007 (UTC)
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See Also

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