English-Chinese/Salivary gland

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#1 is the Parotid gland; #2 is the Submandibular gland; #3 is the Sublingual gland.

The salivary glands make saliva. Saliva keeps the mouth and other parts of the digestive system wet and slippery. They also help break down the food when you are chewing. This helps food go down the throat to the stomach.

There are three main pairs of salivary glands. They are

  1. the parotid,
  2. the submandibular and
  3. the sublingual glands.

There are also many small glands in the tongue, cheeks, lips and palate. All of those glands make mucous.

唾液腺 制造 唾液。唾液 保持 消化系统的 口腔 和 其他 部分 湿滑。当 你 咀嚼 时,它们 也 帮助 分解 食物。这 有助于 食物 沿着 咽喉 进入 胃部。

有 三对 主要的 唾液腺。它们 是

  1. 腮腺,
  2. 下颌腺 和
  3. 舌下腺。

舌头,脸颊,嘴唇 和 上颚 也 有 很多 小腺体。所有 这些 腺体 都 制造 粘液。