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English-Chinese/Exercise as a treatment for inflammation

From Wikiversity

Regular physical activity is reported to decrease markers of inflammation, although the correlation is imperfect and seems to reveal differing results contingent upon training intensity. For instance, while baseline measurements of circulating inflammatory markers do not seem to differ greatly between healthy trained and untrained adults, long-term training may help reduce chronic low-grade inflammation.

据说 定期运动 会 减少 发炎指数,尽管 不完全 相关,并且 似乎 显示出 不同的 结果,这 取决于 运动强度。例如,虽然 血液循环发炎指数的 基准测量值 似乎 在 有运动 和 无运动 成人 之间 差别 不是 很大,但 长期运动 可能 有助于 减少 慢性低度炎症。