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English-Chinese/Electric charge

From Wikiversity

Electric charge is a basic property of electrons, protons and other subatomic particles. Electrons are negatively charged while protons are positively charged. Things that are negatively charged and things that are positively charged pull on (attract) each other. This makes electrons and protons stick together to form atoms. Things that have the same charge push each other away (they repel each other). This is called the Law of Charges. It was discovered by Charles-Augustin de Coulomb. The law that describes how strongly charges pull and push on each other is called Coulomb's Law.

电荷 是 电子,质子 和 其他 亚原子粒子的 基本属性。电子 带负电 而 质子 带正电。带负电的 东西 和 带正电的 东西 拉动(吸引)对方。这 使得 电子 和 质子 粘在一起 形成 原子。具有 相同 电荷的 东西 彼此 推开(它们 相互 排斥)。这 就是 所谓的 电荷定律。它是 由 Charles-Augustin de Coulomb 发现的。描述 电荷 如何 强烈 拉动 和 推动的 法则 称为 Coulomb定律。