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A cuisine is the style of traditional cooking, usually related with a region or culture.


A traditional Pennsylvania Dutch dish is pickled beet egg

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A traditional Pennsylvania Dutch dish is pickled beet egg. Hard-boiled eggs are refrigerated in the liquid left over from pickling beets and allowed to marinate until the eggs turn a deep pink-red color.

传统的宾夕法尼亚荷兰菜是腌制甜菜蛋。 煮熟的鸡蛋在腌制甜菜留下的液体中冷藏,然后腌制直到鸡蛋变成深粉红色。

Asia has many cuisines

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Asia, being the largest and most populous continent, is home to many cultures, many of which have their own characteristic cuisine.


Asian cuisine includes several major regional cuisines

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Asian cuisine includes several major regional cuisines: East Asian, Southeast Asian, South Asian, Central Asian, and Western Asian.


Beef in South Asian cuisine is less common than in Western cuisines

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Beef in South Asian cuisine is less common than in Western cuisines because cattle have a special place in Hinduism.


Biangbiang noodles

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Biangbiang noodles are a type of noodles popular in the cuisine of China's Shaanxi Province. The noodles are called as one of the "eight strange wonders of Shaanxi", are described as being like a belt, owing to their thickness and length.

biangbiang面 是 中国 陕西省 美食中 流行的 一种 面条。该 面条 被称为 “陕西八怪” 之一,由于 其 厚度 和 长度 而 被描述 为 像 一条 带子。

Buddhist cuisine is an cuisine eaten by followers

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Buddhist cuisine is an East Asian cuisine eaten by monks and many believers from areas historically influenced by Chinese Buddhism.


Chickens have become prevalent throughout the cuisine

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Owing to the relative ease and low cost of raising them in comparison to animals such as cattle or hogs, chickens have become prevalent throughout the cuisine of cultures around the world, and their meat has been variously adapted to regional tastes.


Chili peppers are widely used in many cuisines

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Chili peppers are widely used in many cuisines as a spice to add heat to dishes.


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Chinese cuisine has become widespread throughout many other parts of the world — from Asia to the Americas, Australia, Western Europe and Southern Africa.

中国菜在世界其他许多地方也很普遍 - 从亚洲到美洲,澳大利亚,西欧和南部非洲。

Chinese cuisine has many styles

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A number of different styles contribute to Chinese cuisine, but perhaps the best known and most influential are the Sichuan, Shandong, Jiangsu and Guangdong cuisines.


Chinese cuisine have sprouted in Eastern Europe and South Asia

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In recent years, Chinese cuisine have also sprouted in Eastern Europe and South Asia.


Consumers of Japanese cuisine

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Among these countries and regions, China Mainland, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia are key consumers of Japanese cuisine, according to recent research.


Cooking methods of Southeast Asian cuisine

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Cooking methods of Southeast Asian cuisine include a balance of stir-frying, boiling and steaming.


Cuisine is a characteristic style

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A cuisine is a characteristic style of cooking practices and traditions, usually associated with a specific culture.


Cuisine is a style of cooking

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A cuisine is a style of cooking characterized by distinctive ingredients, techniques and dishes, and usually associated with a specific culture or geographic region.


Cuisine is influenced by ingredients

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A cuisine is primarily influenced by the ingredients that are available locally or through trade.


Curry is common in Asia

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Curry is a common dish in southern, southeastern Asia and Japan and also spread to other East Asian cuisines.


Doufu is a traditional component of East Asian and Southeast Asian cuisines

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Doufu is a traditional component of East Asian and Southeast Asian cuisines.


East Asian cuisine includes

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East Asian cuisine includes the cuisines of Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Japan, Korean Peninsula and Mongolia.


East Asian has many regional cuisines

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Owing to East Asian is the most populated region of the world, so it has many regional cuisines (especially China).


Examples of staple foods in East Asian cuisine

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Examples of staple foods in East Asian cuisine include rice, noodles, mung beans, soy beans, seafood (Japan has the highest per capita consumption of seafood), mutton (Mongolia), baicai (bok choy), and tea.


Factors have an influence on a region's cuisine

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Some factors that have an influence on a region's cuisine include the area's climate, the trade among different countries, religiousness or sumptuary laws and culinary culture exchange.



Furu is a Chinese food consisting of a form of processed, preserved doufu used in East Asian cuisine. The ingredients typically are soybeans, salt, rice wine and sesame oil or vinegar. In Chinese Mainland the product is often freshly distributed. In overseas Chinese communities living in Southeast Asia, commercially packaged versions are often sold in jars containing blocks 2 to 4cm square by 1 to 2cm thick soaked in brine with select flavorings.

腐乳 是 一种 中国食品,用于 东亚美食,由 加工的 发酵的 豆腐 制成。成分 通常 是 大豆,盐,米酒 和 芝麻油 或 醋。在 中国大陆,产品 通常 是 新鲜出售的。在 生活 在 东南亚的 海外华人 社区中,经常 瓶装出售,装有 精选香料的 盐水,浸泡着 2到4cm见方,1到2cm厚的 腐乳。


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Gazpacho is a cold soup made of raw blended vegetables. A classic of Spanish cuisine, it originated in the southern region of Andalusia. Gazpacho is widely eaten in Spain and Portugal, particularly during the hot summers, as it is refreshing and cool.

gazpacho汤/Spain凉菜汤 是 由 生的 混合 蔬菜 制成的 冷汤。Spain美食的 经典之作,起源于 南部 地区 Andalusia。gazpacho汤 常见于 Spain 和 Portugal,特别是 在 炎热的 夏季,因为 它 清爽 凉快。

Global cuisine

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A global cuisine is a cuisine that is popular in the world.



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Huangyabai/Chinese leaves is a vegetable. It belongs to the cabbage family. It is originated from China. It is widely used in East Asian cuisine. Since the 20th century, it is also a widespread crop in Europe, America and Australia.

黄芽白/绍菜/大白菜 是 一种 蔬菜。它 属于 椰菜科。它 起源于 中国。它 被 广泛 用于 东亚 美食。自 20世纪 以来,它 在 欧洲,美洲 和 Australia 也是 一种 普遍的 作物。

Huangyabai also called Chinese cabbage

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Huangyabai also called Chinese cabbage is originated near the Beijing region of China, and is widely used in East Asian cuisine.


In Central Asian cuisine, horse meat and mutton as the most common meats

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In Central Asian cuisine, horse meat and mutton as the most common meats, similar to beef.


In South Asian cuisine, common meats include, mutton, fish and chicken

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In South Asian cuisine, common meats include, mutton, fish and chicken.


In South Asian cuisine, turmeric and cumin are often used to make curries

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In South Asian cuisine, turmeric and cumin are often used to make curries.


Ingredients common to many cuisines in the East and Southeast regions of Asia

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Ingredients common to many cuisines in the East and Southeast regions of Asia include rice, ginger, garlic, sesame seeds, chilies, dried onions, soy, and doufu.


Ingredients in Southeast Asian cuisine

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Ingredients in Southeast Asian cuisine contrast with the ones in the Eastern Asian cuisines, substituting fish sauces for soy sauce and the inclusion of ingredients such as galangal, tamarind and lemongrass.


Japanese cuisine has spread throughout the world

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Japanese cuisine has spread throughout the world, and representative dishes such as sushi and ramen, among others are popular.


Local ingredients would be adopted

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Local ingredients would be adopted while maintaining the style and preparation technique of Chinese cuisine.


Many countries have access to global cuisines

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There are significant improvements and during the last century in food preservation, storage, shipping and production, and today many countries, cities and regions have access to their traditional cuisines and many other global cuisines.


Middle Eastern cuisine is the cuisine of the various countries of the Middle East

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Middle Eastern cuisine is the cuisine of the various countries of the Middle East.


Most Central Asian nations have similar cuisines to each other

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Most Central Asian nations have similar cuisines to each other as well as their neighbors, taking many features of the neighboring cuisines of Western and Eastern Asia, particularly Mongolia.


North Asian cuisine is often synonymous with Russian cuisine

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North Asian cuisine is often synonymous with Russian cuisine, due to all of Northern Asia being a part of the Russian Federation.


Quail eggs

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Quail eggs are considered a delicious food in many parts of the world, including Asia, Europe, and North America. In Japanese cuisine, they are sometimes used as tamago in sushi and often found in bento lunches.

鹌鹑蛋 在 世界 许多 地方 被认为 是 美味的 食物,包括 亚洲,欧洲 和 北美。 在 日本料理中,它们 有时 被用作 寿司中的 玉子烧,通常 用于 便当午餐。

Religious food laws can exercise a strong influence on cuisine

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Religious food laws, such as Hindu, Islamic and Jewish dietary laws, can also exercise a strong influence on cuisine.


Shanghai baicai

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Shanghai baicai is a kind of vegetable. It belongs to the cabbage family. It is the most common Chinese cabbage variety in Shanghai and East China. It also often appears in Cantonese cuisine.

上海白菜 是 一种 蔬菜。它 属于 椰菜科。它是 上海 和 华东 最常见的 白菜 品種。它 也 经常 出現 在 粵菜中。

Some commonly used ingredients of Western Asian cuisine

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Some commonly used ingredients of Western Asian cuisine include olives and olive oil, pitas, honey, sesame seeds, dates, sumac, chickpeas, mint and parsley.


South Asian cuisine includes the cuisines from the Indian subcontinent

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South Asian cuisine includes the cuisines from the Indian subcontinent.


South Asian cuisine is flavored with butter

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South Asian cuisine is flavored with butter, ghee, various types of chili, black pepper, cloves and other strong herbs and spices.


Southeast Asian cuisine emphasizes on strong aromatic component

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Southeast Asian cuisine includes a strong emphasis on lightly prepared dishes with a strong aromatic component that features such flavors as citrus and herbs such as lime, coriander/cilantro and basil.


Stir frying, steaming, and deep frying are common cooking methods

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Stir frying, steaming, and deep frying are common cooking methods in the East and Southeast Asian cuisines.


The Chinese cuisine in the United States and Canada

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The Chinese cuisine in the United States and Canada is one of the most popular local cuisines.


To become a global cuisine, a regional cuisine must spread around the world

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To become a global cuisine, a regional cuisine must spread around the world.


Traditional Chinese cuisine are based on basic preservation methods

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Many materials of traditional Chinese cuisine are based on basic preservation methods such as drying, salting, pickling and fermentation.


Traditional Chinese cuisines

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Traditional Chinese cuisines include Anhui, Guangdong, Fujian, Hunan, Jiangsu, Shandong, Sichuan, and Zhejiang, all of which are defined and termed per the respective regions within China where they developed.


Western Asian cuisine

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Western Asian cuisine is the cuisine of the Middle East and South Caucasus, minus Egypt.


Western Asian cuisine is diverse while having a degree of homogeneity

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Western Asian cuisine is diverse while having a degree of homogeneity.


While rice is common to most Asian cuisines

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While rice is common to most Asian cuisines, different varieties are popular in the various regions.
