Engineering Projects/Power projects/Howard Community College/Fall2012/p3550cyr

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Problem Statement

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Develop power supply tester

Team Members

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I got the project started. I began to assemble the circuit. I have researched how the project should be started. The board that will be used to mount the heat sinks and power resistors is set. I have also mounted everything on it. Circuit is startfed. Collected all nessary materials except for a 35 ohm potentiometer.


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Put a graphic in wikimedia, include the graphic here or link to it here. The graphic should be suitable for creating a traditional project poster.


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Thered were many obstacles. In the beggining I had difficulty getting the wooden board attached to the metal casing. It took longer than it should have to get the power resistors on to the board. The heat sinks were not too difficult. I don't think that hot glue was the best choice to mount them with but future testing would probably be good to test it out. I also had some difficulty finding some parts required for the project. There is still the issue of the 35 ohm potentiometer. I still need to locate one. I spent a lot of time rearranging the circuit. The knobs don't seem to fit the potentiometers. I needed to lengthen the wires a bit to have the pots reach the sides of the metal casing. I did not get far enough to test the power resistor tester.

Decision List

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List all formal decisions made with links to their documentation such as a decision tree or decision matrix.

Material List

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Power resistors
bread boards
hot glue
power supply casing
wooden board
measuring tape

Software List

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48hrs 7min


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All projects create new tutorials of technical details future participants are going to want to know. They are going to be separate pages that are linked to here.

Next Steps

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List specific details, advice, describe the current problems that the next team faces associated with the project here.