Engineering Projects/Poppit/Howard Community College/Fall2011/502 TSAY

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T tasks werehe goal of this form is to provide a standard project format that practicing engineers can use to compare project documentation with while assessing these projects. It is called the "Team Done Form" because it should be filled out by the end of the project. Starting with this format helps make the done process much easier.

Projects are never "done" or "finished." But time runs out. Classes end. So this form has nothing to do with project success. This "Done" form can simply state "Nothing was done." If the section below does not fit your project, delete everything but still leave in the section header.

Electronic Sections Expected

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Problem Statement

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It was very difficult to find a strategy that would allow us to pop all of the balloons and we had to try many different strategies and we had to play many games to figure out how to read the balloons so we could plan many moves ahead.

Team Members

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Put each team members name here with links to their personal page here. Real names do not have to be used.


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Team TSAY played many games of poppit and through many trials and errors found that the strategy that was most effective was to pop large groups of balloons first and then move to the smaller ones. This strategy was put to the test many times and it proved to pop either all or a high majority of them each time we played.


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This picture describe the best result we have ever had after all the trials that we did while playing this game.


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We started the project as it was not one of the hardest project in the world. But once we had played the Poppit game a few times it was quite challenging. We didn't have any strategy when we started playing, but after playing for a while we decided not to just pop random balloons and to use some strategies to win this game. The strategies that we used while playing this game were popping from left to right, top to bottom, chunk big first, and chunk small first. We did most of the work as a team together, but we divided all 4 strategies that we used in all the individual team members.

Out of all 4 strategies Chunking big first was the most successful strategy. We had gotten the best average results from all trials while chunking small first, and least number of balloons left while using this strategy were 5. By using this this strategy we were able to finish this game better than the other strategies.

Decision List

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We had a few decisions of how to play the game more efficiently that included left to right, right to left, chunk big first, and chunk small first.

Material List

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The use of computer was the only material required to do this project.

Software List

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We did not have to use any software except an updated adobe flash player and Google Chrome. We just had to come up with the strategy to pop most balloons in a game called Poppit. So, we didn't need any additional software.

We spend all the time that was available to do this project. In additional at home everyone spend about 2 hours to play this game and come up with a good strategy that would work to pop most or all of the balloons.


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Google Chrome is a must need to do this project. Also, data should be written in the notebook to use and team work is needed while using different strategies.

Next Steps

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Start playing the game by just randomly popping the balloons and getting an understanding of how the organization of the balloons is done. After playing a few times, find a strategy that best works to finish this game with least amount of balloons.