Engineering Projects/Electromagnetic Drive

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Project EM Drive

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The goal of this project is to transmit motive power to a small object without requiring physical contact.We will achieve this goal by using electromagnetic energy.


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The concept for this project is to have an object that interacts with a magnetic field to make its way around a track at a moderate pace being propelled by electromagnets that the track runs through the center of. The magnets must impart enough energy on the object to propel it to the next set of coils. A safety feature must also be incorporated to ensure that if the object reaches any speeds that the operator deems dangerous, then the operator can stop the object as quickly and as safely as possible. The Conceive page for the project can be found here. --SeanShriner (discusscontribs) 19:05, 14 March 2013 (UTC)

Team 2/ Project 2

The initial problem was to build a device that moves objects with electromagnetic fields. The group then narrowed the problem down to building a device called a coil gun. These devices use the waves to accelerate objects to extremely high velocities. Examples of coil guns can be seen here: (discusscontribs) 22:01, 11 April 2013 (UTC)


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The device design requires one major element: high voltage. In order to reach this high voltage, capacitors were the tools that were chosen. Ohms law states that the Voltage of the power source equals the current through the wire times the resistance of the circuit. High voltage will yield high current for the coil. The magnitude of a magnetic field of a coil of wire is equal to the permeability of the core times the current through the coil times the number of coils per unit length. Therefore, high voltage will ultimately lead to a greater magnetic field because higher voltage supplies higher current, and higher current supplies a greater magnetic field.--MikeBertrand6 (discusscontribs) 22:01, 11 April 2013 (UTC)

Team 3/ project 3 A Store bought stapler has all of the initial components needed for a working Coil-Gun. Using these materials along with a portion of CPVC a fully working coil-gun. See pictures for materials needed and construction information. This meaning of course having a working prototype!! Looking for an alternate switch which did bring some concerns due to the original switch being a four pin switch. Though luckily there was another switch available that was not necessary for the function of the coil. This is what is used for the new switch and with a little testing it worked perfectly. Then cut up a piece of 1/2" CPVC pipe to make the body of the gun housing. Once that was done and all the pieces were notched in the right places. --Jchism4804 (discusscontribs) 18:40, 7 May 2013 (UTC)

NEW stapler
Fresh out of box
tool and stapler
starting cuts
all pipes are CPVC 1/2"2x3.5" 2x1"long3x 90degree elbows1x tee1x random length for barrel
slots cut and trigger hole cut
taped up


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Electromagnetic Coil
Connecting four 6 volt batteries in series
Connecting Coil to power source
Circuit Tutorial (drawing)--MikeBertrand6 (discusscontribs) 22:03, 11 April 2013 (UTC)
coil gun tutorial--Stivi10 (discusscontribs) 14:53, 13 April 2013 (UTC)


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Team 2 --Jchism4804 (discusscontribs) 19:44, 15 April 2013 (UTC)

Team 3 --Jchism4804 (discusscontribs) 18:35, 7 May 2013 (UTC)