Electronics Fundamentals/Lecture Inductors and Analysis

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An inductor resists a change in current. At rest or 0 current flow, if voltage is applied, the applied voltage on an ideal inductor will not matter only the current available from the supply. The current will ramp up from 0 amps to infinity or whatever limit the power supply has. The point at which the current flow can no longer increase is called saturation and may be at a point defined by the parasitics of a non ideal inductor. If the circuit loop is closed cutting off the power supply, using an ideal inductor, the same current flow will be maintained forever. If the loop is opened the voltage available on the ends of the loop will be whatever is required to maintain the same current flow in the gap or load. The higher the voltage required to maintain the current the quicker the inductor will empty. A real inductor has Rseries or series resistance of the coil's wire therefore applied voltage matters. A dynamic element that involves variation of an electric field produced by voltage In its simples from it is constructed by two parallel metal plates and a dielectric material in between the plates.Parameter L is called inductance of the coil and its unit is henry (H)

Inductor charge at X time with Y voltage

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is inverse natural log or normally on most calculators.

Inductor Impedance

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Inductor shape inductance calculations

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  • round single layer
  • round multilayer
  • torroidal multilayer
  • single flat wire
    • permiablty related info

To do

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this page

See also

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