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Ear training/Quiz

From Wikiversity

So far I have only three quizzes:

List of quizzes

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I am also working on preparation for learning the intervals. This is under construction, and will probably include intervalse from


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A good way to learn intervals is to listen to them in the context of real music. There are two ways to listen:

  1. You-tube videos are available by clicking the external links that are often shown as integers followed by the sign.
  2. If you see a staff with musical notes click on bar with the triangle that looks like

Minor and major seconds: m1 and M1

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I think I will introduce this as Do-Re-Mi-Fa

Minor and Major thirds

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It is difficult to separate the major and minor thirds from the triad. The major triad is a minor third on top of a major third, and the minor triad is the major third on top of the minor third. Consider the Bach Prelude in C major:

      \new PianoStaff <<
        \new Staff\with{ \magnifyStaff #4/5 } <<
           \clef treble \key c \major \time 4/4 \tempo 4 = 60
           \new Voice \relative c'' {
                \voiceOne r8 g16 c e g, c e r8 g,16 c e g, c e 
                r8 a,16 d f a, d f r8 a,16 d f a, d f
                r8 g,16 d' f g, d' f r8 g,16 d' f g, d' f
                r8 g,16 c e g, c e r8 g,16 c e g, c e 
           \new Voice \relative c' {
                \voiceTwo r16 e8._~ e4 r16 e8._~ e4
                r16 d8._~ d4 r16 d8._~ d4
                r16 d8._~ d4 r16 d8._~ d4
                r16 e8._~ e4 r16 e8._~ e4
        \new Staff \with{ \magnifyStaff #4/5 }<<
           \clef bass \key c \major \time 4/4
           \new Voice \relative c' {
                c2 c c c b b c c
            >> >>
    >>  }

m3 Minor third

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\language "english"\relative c'
    \key g \major \time 6/8 \partial 8
     e8 g4 a8 b8. c16 b8 a4 fs8 d8. r8. r4 e4 (g4 e4) <e g>2
   \addlyrics {
     A las my lo -- ve you do me wrong

The first two notes of the traditional song Greensleeves are a minor third, as shown in the figure to the right.

You can also listen to it on Youtube using one of these links:

1 2
M3 Major third
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Kumbaya begins with a major third: 1 2 (Youtbe videos)

\language "english"\relative c'
    \key g \major \time 3/2 \partial 2 d4 fs a4. a8 a2 b4 b a2.
     r4 d,4 (fs4 d4) <d fs>2
   \addlyrics {
     Kum ba yah,  my Lord Kum ba yah.

P4 Perfect fourth

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Amazing Grace

Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (Mozart)

TT Tritone

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P5 Perfect fifth

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m6 Minor sixth

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\language "english"{ \new PianoStaff << \new Staff \with{ \magnifyStaff #4/5 } \relative c' { \set Staff.midiInstrument =#"electric grand" \clef treble   \key d \minor \time 6/4
<f a>2. ~<a f>4 <a f'> <f d'> <g bf d>2.( <g a cs>2) r4 
a2. a4 f' d d2. (cs2) r4
a4 (f' a, <a f'>2) 
} \new Staff \with{ \magnifyStaff #4/5 }\relative c{ \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"electric piano 1" \clef bass
d4 cs' (d) f,4 a (bf) e, d' (cs) a, bf' (a)} >> }

Lacrimosa from Mozart's Requiem KV 626

Choir and orchestra: 1 2
Piano: 1 2

Go Down Moses is easier to sing:

Go down Moses

M6 Major sixth

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Nocturne Op.9 No. 2 (Chopin)

m7 Minor seventh

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\language "english"\relative c'
    \key e \major 
     b2 a'2 gs4. e8 cs2 r2 b4 a'4 <b, a'>2  
   \addlyrics {
     There's a place for us

Somewhere from Leonard Bernstein's West Side Story

The song (with orchestra): 1 2 3

Analysis and history of song: 1 (highly recommended)

M7 Major seventh

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third movement beethoven's seventh

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