EFL Interdisciplinary Projects/Reading and Writing

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Basic Lessons

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Personal description

  1. Who I am - Present simple/adjectives - write simple descriptions for physical characteristics and personality.

Elementary Lessons

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Lessons for the elementary stage

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  1. A2 (Lesson name) (lesson grammar) link

Pre Intermediate Lessons

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Lessons for the pre intermediate stage

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  1. B1 (Lesson name) (lesson grammar) link

Text comprehension and production based on magazine and news styles.

  1. No son of mine - discussion and story inferences based on the lyrics of a song.

Advanced Lessons

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Heading text

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  1. (Lesson name) (lesson grammar) link

Cooperative Lessons

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Writing based on music

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  1. Nina cried 'Power' - a historical review of the singers mentioned in the song by Hozier.
  2. Playing around with music - a variety of productions based on what music is and lyrics.

Writing based on movies

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  1. MI movie analysis - an MI-based analysis of movies, covering different ways of apprehending a movie.