E-Learning in Mozambique/Second-Week-Task

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Write a text about a concrete e-learning-scenario in Mozambique (school, university, ...) using one or more of the following tools or methods: weblog, wiki, twitter, flipped classroom, MOOCs.

For example:

  • Using a wiki in biology classes for the identification of plants
  • Reflecting teaching practices with a weblog at UP
  • Teaching university students with a MOOC on theories of education at UP
  • ...

Choose a context you are personally related to.

The text should at least contain 1500 words, and it should be written in English. It should at least have the following aspects:

  • Description of the context (school, students, subject, contents, learning objectives, tasks, ...)
  • Implementing the tool / the method in the context (why? how? when? who? ...)
  • Possible challenges / problems and how they could be solved

Deadline: 14. November 2014

Send the text to: spannagel@ph-heidelberg.de

If you have any questions, you may also contact me via Facebook or Twitter:

Important aspects

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  • Write your own text. Don't copy & paste!
  • Don't use automatical translators (e.g. google translator), because it does not work correctly. Write in English.
  • Refer to literature (English!). Find at least 5 articles in the web with relevant information for your text and refer to them!