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IMPORTANT: The content from Wikiresources page was copied to this new page to change the title and adjust to a research project.

Home | Learning Theories | Instructional Design | ePortfolio | Storyboard | Wiki Analysis | Communication Tools | Resources Analysis | Group Work | Teaching Philosophy | Accessibility | Evaluation | Glossary

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This Wikiversity project is part of one of the requirements and learning outcomes of the MSc. in Applied eLearning at the Dublin Institute of Technology, specifically in the Instructional Design and eAuthoring module, as part of which students are required to work as a group to design and develop an activity/eLearning object that can be used as a tool for learning.

The genesis of this Wiki was the desire to provide a structure for students to identify and assimilate their knowledge, ideas and conclusions about the different digital technologies available to eLearning. The choice of Wikiversity as a platform for this project arose from the fact that, as an education project, it operates on an academic level and addresses a university community as its audience. The increasing sophistication in technology, along with advances in research in the eLearning environment, may in time render the information in this wiki inaccurate or even obsolete; therefore this wiki is not to be viewed as a definitive work, since users may continuously update it. Rather it is conceived as a dynamic expansion of resources and elements that in themselves constitute its continued usefulness. Future students might use it as a learning resource, and they may include or change concepts, links, images, videos, or add other elearning objects based on their studies and conceptual conclusions.

Learning Objectives

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Although this project is not intended to be definitive, we hope that it will meet the following objectives:

  1. To motivate learners to explore, evaluate and record knowledge about diverse resources relevant to eLearning
  2. To operate as a digital laboratory wherein participants may experience and apply models and methods available for instructional design
  3. To serve as a guide to the various tools introduced on the course
  4. To provide a model that encourages new investigators wishing to explore eLearning
  5. To promote the skills needed to design instructional eLearning objects
  6. To support collaborative action and knowledge sharing

Instructional Design and eAuthoring Module

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This section allows you to see the requirements on the Instructional Design and eAuthoring module in the MSc. Applied eLearning.

In this section you will find information about learning theories, models and techniques applied to instructional design. In addition, information about essential reading and module assessment is included.

You can jump to the Instructional Design and eAuthoring section by clicking on this blue arrow .

Learning Theories

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This section presents a concise account of the learning theories and theorists most applicable to this eLearning project. For a project such as this to be of use to other users it is fundamental that it be based on sound pedagogical principles and each building block reflects this.

Go to the Learning Theories section by clicking on this blue arrow .


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The first and perhaps most important phase in creating an elearning object is its storyboard. In this section you will discover the principles behind a storyboard, its creation and content, and its importance as an elearning project. Moreover you can view the storyboard created by the Wikiresources Group for this elearning object along with an interesting alternative experiment in storyboarding, called Storybird, which uses collaborative storytelling.

Go to the Storyboard and enjoy this section by clicking on this blue arrow .

Wiki Analysis

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We believe that the initial step for our project should be based on a lucid examination of the tool used to develop the resource. Therefore we can begin by examining the pros and cons of our tool.

The Wiki Analysis section will demonstrate how you can determine the best kind of platform or tool to employ according your learning objectives. Consequently the Wikiresources Group decided to examine a PMI analysis (Plus, Minus and Interesting) and a SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis of the wiki. An initial PMI analysis will afford valuable information about Wikis as a tool in our group elearning experience, in which we discuss and highlight why a wiki is suitable as an elearning resource. The entire discussion then is based on a fundamental question: Why this tool?

If you want to know the answer go to the Wiki Analysis section by clicking on this blue arrow .


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Part of this project is creating an ePortfolio, and identifying its significance and support for ideas and reflections. We created a Wikiresources Group website to support the creation of the ePortfolio. The contents of this website should be presented in greater detail to clarify our analysis of the course and also to explain why we consider a website as the best model. Below you will find a link to the Wikiresources Group website, which will provide more information on ePortfolios.

Go to the ePortfolio section by clicking on this blue arrow .

Resources Analysis

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An eLearning environment affords a significant number of technological resources; yet these are continually replaced by more efficient and attractive devices. In this section we attempt to present the characteristics and ways that these artifacts can be used in eLearning, and to identify the most recent resources available. We have listed primarily the technological resources that are free of charge to the user. This does not however exclude paid options.

For information on various eLearning resources, go to Resources Analysis section by clicking on this blue arrow .

Communication Tools

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This section will provides an analysis of communication tools that facilitate the flow of information between individuals and groups. It demonstrates how a tool can be applied in the eLearning field. Since there are many tools available that create efficient communication, we will present in this section some tools used by our group for our daily communication as we construct our eLearning project.

You can go to the Communication Tools section by clicking on this blue arrow .


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In this section you will have access to relevant information in relation to accessibility. The importance of the interface usability between the user and the object of learning.

Accessibility assumes that any learner can use the same means to full fill the requirements: identical if possible, equivalent when not.

An elearning object should be designed to be useful and accessible by learners with diverse abilities and respectful of diversity. They also should feel the learning object a fair and safe learning environment.

The Accessibility section is available by clicking on this blue arrow .

Group Work

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A group is an interaction between a collection of people for the purpose of achieving a common objective. There are many factors and variables that contribute to a group dynamic and to a successful and productive outcome.

The Group Work section is available by clicking on this blue arrow .

Teaching Philosophy

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To participate in any recurring activity usually involves adopting a methodology that underlies how that activity is structured. So too is the case in educational activities, where an underlying teaching philosophy guides what we do and how we do it. Such a philosophy is central to the planning, design and development of our courses. What we achieve in any course is linked to the clarity of our aspirations and the practical implementation of a sound and productive philosophy. In order to achieve these results, it is important to understand the principles behind teaching philosophies.

For the reasons why a Teaching Philosophy is desirable, click on the blue arrow .


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Attempts have been made to create a resource that is as user-friendly as possible through the use of clear navigational direction, links, colour combinations, graphics, etc. Evaluation of the resource will be carried out by our current peers on the MSc course. Access to an evaluation questionnaire will be placed on the home page of the wiki for their use.

Go to the Evaluation section by clicking on this blue arrow .


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You may find some unfamiliar words in this wiki project. If so please consult the Glossary section for the meaning of these words by clicking on this blue arrow .


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Our group would appreciate if you give us your feedback about this project. If you have any query, suggestion or information, please contact us sending a message to our email: