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The purpose of this project is to support development of

  1. course materials needed to teach specific courses at a University level,
  2. course structure and materials needed to teach manage offerings of specific courses during a scheduled period of time (i.e. a semester)
  3. open-source platform for students enrolled in specific implementations of courses with course structure and materials developed under this project
  4. an evaluative framework to critique these materials over time

Note on project purpose

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This project may not be aligned with Wikiversity goals, as previously specified:

Inside the Wikiversity context[1]

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Within Wikiversity, the word "course" only has a hierarchical meaning (WV:policy proposal on structural nomenclature) (sic) The Wikimedia board has explicitly guided Wikiversity away from offering courses which include Wikiversity-offered evaluations coupled to earning credit towards a degree.

A possible exception might be when the evaluative component is in fact provided by an accredited educational institution which explicitly makes use of a specific Wikiversity course. Such an arrangement might allow students to use Wikiversity as a medium for providing course content for use by a credit-awarding institution. Note: this is hypothetical; however courses at real institutions do seem to have made use of Wikiversity as a space for sharing some of their work.[2]

Project Activities (Spring 2024)

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The following courses contain course materials related to the teaching of a specific, active course.

This is a generic overview of a CourseMaterialsProject. Projects in this domain have as a shared goal creating learning materials associated with the goals, outcomes and objectives aligned with and in service to a for-credit course offered through a University.

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These materials should be generic, and not directly related to the specific offering of the course. In this way, these materials serve as open educational resources, and are meant to facilitate teaching these topics in other environments.

  • course overview and description
  • goals
  • outcomes
  • objectives
  • resources
  • assignments
  • rubrics

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These materials are related to a specific offering of a course during a particular semester. As such, these materials should be in a separate namespace, or at least sub-page namespace, so that the project can be replicated with multiple offerings.

  • course offering details and schedule
  • links to live/recorded zoom sessions
  • description of course operations for SUNY Poly students
  • description of course operations for open students
  • link to Wikiversity (or other) space containing student work, submitted by all students (including registered students agreeing to open source their work, and open enrollment students agreeing to open source their work, if any materialize)

Project Evaluation and Assessment

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Following each specific offering, it would be helpful to include an evaluation and assessment of the materials as they were used to teach the class.


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  1. "Wikiversity:Courses - Wikiversity". Retrieved 2023-12-07.
  2. "Wikiversity:Courses - Wikiversity". Retrieved 2023-12-05.