Computer Support/Hardware/Components

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This lesson covers components.

Objectives and Skills

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Objectives and skills for the components portion of A+ certification include:[1]

Given a scenario, select the appropriate components for a custom PC configuration, to meet customer specifications or needs.
  • Graphic / CAD / CAM design workstation
    • Multicore processor
    • High-end video
    • Maximum RAM
  • Audio/Video editing workstation
    • Specialized audio and video card
    • Large fast hard drive
    • Dual monitors
  • Virtualization workstation
    • Maximum RAM and CPU cores
  • Gaming PC
    • Multicore processor
    • High-end video/specialized GPU
    • High definition sound card
    • High-end cooling
  • Home Theater PC
    • Surround sound audio
    • HDMI output
    • HTPC compact form factor
    • TV tuner
  • Standard thick client
    • Desktop applications
    • Meets recommended requirements for selected OS
  • Thin client
    • Basic applications
    • Meets minimum requirements for selected OS
    • Network connectivity
  • Home Server PC
    • Media streaming
    • File sharing
    • Print sharing
    • Gigabit NIC
    • RAID array


[edit | edit source]
  1. Wikipedia: Workstation
    1. Wikipedia: Gaming computer
    2. Wikipedia: Home theater PC
    3. Wikipedia: Thin client
    4. Wikipedia: Fat client
    5. Wikipedia: Home server


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  1. YouTube: Designing Custom Computer Systems - CompTIA A+ 220-901: 1.9


[edit | edit source] Design your own custom computer configuration


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