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Computer Architecture Lab/SS2017

From Wikiversity

Group 1

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Martin Obel Thomsen s134862

Dimitrios Revythis s162381

Andrés Cecilia s146537

Roman Birca s156000

SDRAM controller for Patmos in Chisel

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The project will mainly focus on porting the controller for SDRAM written in VHDL to Chisel for the Altera DE2-115 board.

Source Access

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Group 2

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Andreas Toftegaard, s144026

Henrik Enggaard Hansen, s134099

Jimmi Marquart s134111

Emad Maroun s123791

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SPM project<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Implementation of a shared scratch-pad memory with a concept of ownership for multiprocessor architectures.

The project will investigate:

  1. Implementation of shared SPM with a ownership concept (probably a time-division
  2. Synchronization and support for atomic operations
  3. Investigation of possible applications and programming models

Group 3

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Vladimir Sviderskij s134613

Wenhao Li s134620

Project: VGA connector for a display

Group 4

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Andreas Kouloumpris s162168

Dimitrios Katsamanis s162382

Project Topic: Branch Predictor for Patmos

Three things must predicated in order to implement a branch predictor:

  • Whether the fetched instruction is a branch
  • (Conditional) Branch Direction
  • Branch Target Address

The first and the third issue can be resolved by implementing a Branch Target Buffer (BTB).

The second issue can be resolved either by static or dynamic analysis.

In our project we are going to use dynamic analysis by using at first 1-bit counter based prediction, then 2-bit counter based prediction and if we have time we will implement a correlated branch predictor.

Finally, we will compare the different execution times of "taclebenchmarks" on the different implementations.

Group 6

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Alexandru Savin s134622

Cristian Zara s162336

Topic: TinyOS on Patmos


1. Investigate the TinyOS tutorials to get a better feeling about the operating system and especially about the programming language nesC.

2. Determine what drivers have to be ported.

3. Make the necessary changes to have the new board compatible with TinyOS.

Group 7

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Inma Contreras s162644

Chen Yongrui s166120

Project Idea:

Instruction set simulator for MIPS

Group 8

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Mathias Linkis s147456

Mathias Møller Bruhn s113592

Project Idea: Out-of-order

Plan: Implement the Tomasulo algorithm on Patmos, in order to enable out-of-order execution