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Center for Corporate Auditing, Responsibility and Management policy Authoring/Philosophycracy policy

From Wikiversity
Act so that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that of another, always as an end and never as a means only.

Second formulation of the categorical imperative, Immanuel Kant

Philosophycracy policy

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The management of a company implementing this policy will respond to all logically consistent and philosophically well-founded requests concerning company policy or company politics with an equally logically consistent and philosophically well-founded response. A manager who is unable to do so should be considered unqualified.

Corporate citizenship

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  1. The employer should set an example and make efforts to support philosophical education in society in general, this can include religious, philosophical or ethical education in schools or in continuing education in the country of residence and in other countries.

Continuing education

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  1. Continuing education must be tailored to include philosophical education where that is reasonably possible and sensible from the context of the education, for instance depending on the duration, means or type of instruction.
  2. The employees must be given opportunity and means to express, to discuss and to apply their philosophical views and opinions.
  3. The employer must be available to respond to logically consistent and philosophically well-founded requests with equally logically consistent and philosophically well-founded responses within a definitive timeframe and possibly also at a definitive response rate.
  4. Every manager above a definite level in the company hierarchy should be educated to and be able to discuss philosophical topics. The necessary education should be part of the management training. (Especially the hotel industry, where the title "manager" is used in a wider sense, should not feel obliged to include every manager into this scheme.)
  5. Employees must be allowed to discuss the communication related to this policy in public without being penalized.


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  1. The company must have a co-determination policy. A failure to implement any co-determination policy should be seen as a complete failure to implement this policy.

See also

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