Catalogue 22/Book Art
Part of Catalogue 22, Catalogue 22 on Google Maps

Designer: Jessica Hickling
Degree: B. Architecture
School: Carleton University
Year: 2009
Location of Project: Bank Street and Third Street, Ottawa
Project Status: Unbuilt
Designing from the detail was a key part of this studio. The first portion of the studio was to interpret and build what we felt book art should be. The second portion was the design of a book store located on an infill site in the Glebe on Bank Street in Ottawa. The bookstore contains a central lecture area, book shelving, reading, and study areas. The demographic of the area drove the design in order to meet the needs of students and professors. Providing the students an area to read, study and participate in lectures that professors may present. Aspects of the book art are found within the building in the book shelving structures, along with the large skylight, a geometric volume which breaks the roof plane to introduce natural light to the space below. The facades are for the most part glazed, to pull natural light into the building from both ends of the infill site.