Caregiving and dementia/Wiki training/Emails

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To help prepare the participants, a series of lead-up emails were sent. Follow-up emails were also sent as part of building a wiki community building around caregiving and dementia.

Email 1: Organising the training

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  1. ~5+ weeks prior
  2. Organise:
    1. Date & venue etc.
    2. Flights booking
    3. Laptop needed?

Email 2: Three simple activities to get started

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  1. ~4 weeks prior

Hello to wiki training day participants,

In four weeks time, we will be gathering together to learn about wikis and how they can be used to develop resources about caregiving and dementia.

To get the most out of the training day, we'll send some tips or simple learning tasks each week leading up to the training. So, here's three tasks for you to tackle over the next week. Please:

  1. Visit and check out the wiki training day schedule (now on Wikiversity -
  2. Learn about what a wiki is by watching this fun introduction for beginners - Wikis in Plain English - (Commoncraft; 4 mins)
  3. Then create a Wikiversity account and sign the Participants' page for our wiki training day -

If you would like any help, contact

Email 3: Write something about yourself on wiki

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  1. ~3 weeks prior

Create and account and sign

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So far, there are 6 signatures on the Participants' page. Reminder - before Wiki Training Day: create an account and sign. Take note of your username and password and bring this to the training day.

Play in the Sandbox

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There is a Sandbox page on Wikiversity which means that you can play with editing and saving changes to this page - and it doesn't matter! This is a very good way to learn - so visit and save a change to Sandbox -

Write something about yourself

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Each wiki user has a user page. This is where you can write something about yourself, add links of interest, add pictures, etc. Your user page can be used as a handy homepage.

Visit your user page - go to Wikiversity, login, and click on your username in the top right corner.

Then edit your use page to provide some information about yourself, and save.

Email 4: Wiki training day final updates

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  1. In the week prior

The wiki training day is almost upon us! Here's some final updates:

Materials to bring

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A reminder to bring any examples of DTSC hard copy or electronic resources e.g., pamphlets, booklets, training resources etc. We will discuss and consider the possibilities for "wikifying" different types of resources.

Venue & start time

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Dress code

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Casual. Friday jeans day!

Pre-workshop activities

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So far we have 8 out of 12 participants who have created an account and signed the Participants' page - well done!

Plus a few have edited the Sandbox and posted something about themselves on their user page.

Trying these activities will help to make the workshop experience more rewarding.

Example wiki

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During the wiki training, we will hear from people involved in a wiki project to document the "The History of the Paralympic Movement in Australia". Explore the project wiki here to learn more about this example wiki project:

UC network visitor login details

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Will be provided to you when you arrive at UC.

Do not forget to bring your laptop/iPad or tablet on the day.

Email 5: Wiki training day follow-up

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  1. ~3 weeks later

Wiki training day: Thanks, feedback, and follow-up

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Thanks for travelling and attending the wiki training day. We had 9 attendees. The feedback and evaluation survey results have been summarised here:

It's excellent to see that the experience was so worthwhile overall and particularly in developing participants knowledge about wiki and their wiki editing skills. The main area for us to work further on is developing action plans for each DTSC to contribute content to the knowledge commons (via wiki). Most participants also indicated that further support would be needed when it came to wiki editing, particularly more advanced skills.

Wiki community teleconference

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  • Hannahpb to add details. Will select preferred time through Doodle. Hannahpb to send the voting link.

Plans and progress

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The next step is for wiki community members to consult with their DTSC about which NPA project resources they would like to prioritise for contributing to the wiki.

Please update the plans and progress sections on the DTSC NPA topic pages before our first follow-up teleconference.

Recent changes

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The busiest two pages since the training day have been:

JMH posted some initial content for this page, based on one of her student essays, with references:

There is also a discussion underway about (re)naming the page. What do you think of:

  • "Behaviour Management"?
  • "Responding to Unmet Needs of the Person with Dementia"?.

Discuss on the resource's talk page

Eliza added a resource link for Occupational Therapists developed in WA and has created a table for listing national resources and contacts:

Wiki-tip: Edit button

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Hit the edit button!

The next challenge for new wiki editors is to get reach the 100 edits milestone. After that, you are no longer a novice editor and generally feel more confident. Watch this 1 min. video to get inspired:

The edit button