Caregiving and dementia/Wiki training/Feedback

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In the final discussion, we debriefed the wiki training day with the following points raised:

What did you gain from most?

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  • Understanding connections between WMF and sister projects e.g., Wiki Commons
  • Understanding relevance to what DTSC does and can keep the knowledge available and updated
  • Hands-on editing/learning
  • Overview of copyright/creative commons
  • Keith's talk about 21st century knowledge sharing (big picture)

What further support is needed

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  • Editing as and when needed
  • Adding full articles as references to Wikipedia
  • Copyright and conversations with copyright owners to get permission to contribute content
  • Clarify copyright of DoHA / DTSC content

Evaluation survey

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Satisfaction ratings

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Eight participants completed the Wiki Training Evaluation Survey. Six questions measured satisfaction on a 5-point Likert scale:

  1. Very dissatisfied
  2. Dissatisfied
  3. Neutral
  4. Satisfied
  5. Very satisfied

Responses indicate a high level of satisfaction (see Figure).

Evaluation survey results for the Caregiving and Dementia Wiki Training Day, 14/9/2012 (N = 8)

What were the most valuable aspects of the training for you?

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  1. Editing; Keith Lyons presentation
  2. Learning the philosophy behind Wikimedia Foundation
  3. Broader understanding of wikis and what content could/should be on Wikiversity
  4. Came to training sceptical about the usefulness of a wiki for us. Left training realising the benefits.
  5. Understanding what Wikiversity is about and how to edit.
  6. Editing; Love writing on the walls.
  7. Understanding how all the wikis works together; hands on editing; clarification of copyright levels, requirements etc.
  8. Practical experience; Keith's experiences/advice; Handouts - will also help

In what areas would you like additional support or mentoring?

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  1. Citing references
  2. Content suitability
  3. I won't know until I start using it.
  4. I think I am OK but will probably forget editing things to do with images and videos. #Will keep practicing so as not to forget.
  5. Further editing.
  6. Editing perhaps when the time comes.
  7. Will become more obvious as I use the wiki more

In what ways could the training be improved?

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  1. Maybe a second day of training.
  2. Venue was cold.
  3. Warmer classroom or warn people that it is cold.
  4. I enjoyed the hands-on learning.
  5. Venue was too cold.
  6. Plan of action (who to talk to in DTSCs)
  7. Venue was cold.

Summary and conclusions

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Overall debrief comments, and survey ratings and comments indicated a high level of satisfaction, with all participants gaining notably in their knowledge about the Caregiving and dementia wiki project and their understanding of the Wikimedia Foundation wiki platform. In addition, participants appeared to particular value the hands-on, experiential learning of basic wiki editing skills, and several commented on Prof. Keith Lyons' presentation about open content sharing and knowledge development through wiki as a highlight.

Two areas for improvement and further development were noted via the satisfaction ratings and/or comments:

  1. Development of action plans - This wasn't progressed as much as we hoped during the training day. We will address in more detail in the next teleconference.
  2. Venue (too cold) - Feedback has been passed on to UC who will try to adjust the room temperature.

In terms of further support, the participants mainly commented that they would need some editing support if and as needed down the track, particularly around more advanced aspects such as working with images and video. In addition, how to do citations wasn't covered in detail and could be incorporated into follow-up training and support.

There is also a need to follow-up with DoHA to clarify the copyright and licensing for DTSC materials.