Business process management/Tools - plan for adapting

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The specific requirements for the engine and the ability to satisfy those requirements will vary over the program's lifetime. It is unrealistic to assume that a plan for the engine can be constructed years into the future since things are constantly changing. It is also likely that even if such a plan could be produced it would be impossible to fulfill all of the requirements right away. In building the engine today, recognize where short-term tradeoffs are acceptable to get the program in motion.

Consider an organization that was steeped in mainframe technologies and that went down the route of non-Java systems prior to the beginning of their BPM journey. Despite a lack of in-house competence with application servers or webservices, they opted for Java-based BPM software.

They accepted that the first projects would struggle with some of the changes in technology. They took that hit early with plans to invest in additional capabilities for their people at a later stage of the program. While the early engine did not completely meet the applicability requirements outlined for tools in this Charter, a decision was made to leverage external resources in the short-term to more quickly realize the benefits of BPM.

Applies to

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Charter for the BPM Engine