Bloom Clock/Keys/Prague/March/All

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The plants pictured below have been recorded as blooming during the month of March Prague, Czech Republic.

Bellis perennis

Small beauty

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Profile for Bellis perennis (Common Daisy, English Daisy)
Identifying Characteristics
Flowers:head, white to pinkish
Foliage:spoon-shaped, close to ground

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Forsythia x intermedia

blooming plant

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Profile for Forsythia x intermedia (Garden Forsythia)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:suckering shrub
Flowers:4-petaled, yellow
Foliage:Simple, opposite, serrate margins, emerging about 1/2-way through full bloom
Stem:hollow pith
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Winter, Mid Winter, Early Spring, Mid Spring

Lamium purpureum

Plant colony

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Profile for Lamium purpureum (Deadnettle)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Low, spreading herbaceous plant , flowering stems rising above the foliage
Flowers:Tubular, 2-lipped, pink or purple
Foliage:Reddish or purplish in early spring, fading to green as the season warms
Stem:square in cross section, densely covered by the leaves
Life Cycle: Winter annual
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Spring, Mid Spring, Late Spring



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Profile for Muscari (Grape Hyacinth)
Identifying Characteristics
Subclass plants:M. armeniacum

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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Spring, Mid Spring

Prunus mahaleb

St Lucie Cherry stand

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Profile for Prunus mahaleb (St Lucie Cherry, Mahaleb Cherry)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:dediduous tree or shurb
Flowers:raceme of 3-10 white flowers
Foliage:ovate, alternate
Stem:trunk or multiple wooden stems
Growing Conditions:cultivated in orchards/near ways, used as a roodstock
Similar Plants:other from the genus Prunus
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  • --Juan 16:47, 24 March 2008 (UTC)
  • --Juan 18:04, 8 April 2008 (UTC)

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Salix babylonica 'Pendula'

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Profile for Salix (Willow, Sallow, Osier)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:tree or shrub, dioecious
Flowers:male and female flowers appearing as catkins
Subclass plants:S. discolor, S. gracilistyla 'Melanostachys', S. 'Pendula', S. 'Tortuosa'

Recent Logs
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  • --Juan 18:57, 22 March 2008 (UTC)
  • --Jomegat 17:13, 21 April 2008 (UTC)
  • --Jomegat 00:16, 1 May 2008 (UTC)
  • --Jomegat 20:42, 10 May 2008 (UTC)

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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Spring, Mid Spring

Stellaria media


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Profile for Stellaria media (Common Chickweed)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Creeping, mat-forming herb
Flowers:Small, white
Life Cycle: Annual
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Mid Winter, Late Winter, Early Spring, Mid Spring. Late Spring, Early Summer, Late Fall, Early Winter

Taraxacum officinale


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Profile for Taraxacum officinale (Common Dandelion)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:rosette-forming herbaceous plant with a long taproot
Flowers:Head, flowers are all ray-like
Foliage:Basal only, pinnately lobed
Stem:flower stems are hollow with a milky sap
Scent:mild, "sunny"
Growing Conditions:sunny and partly-shaded, well drained soils, drought intolerant
Fruit:achene with a silky pappus
Similar Plants:Hypochoeris radicata, Sonchus
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Mid Winter, Late Winter, Early Spring, Mid Spring, Late Spring, Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall, Late Fall, Early Winter

Taxus baccata

male cones

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Profile for Taxus baccata (Yew)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Coniferous shrub or small tree
Flowers:Male cones are yellow, and release clouds of pollen when disturbed by wind or other movement
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Spring, Mid Spring


flowering plants

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Profile for Tulipa (Tulip)
Identifying Characteristics

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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Mid Spring, Late Spring

Veronica persica

Flowers and foliage

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Profile for Veronica persica (Speedwell)
Identifying Characteristics
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Spring, Mid Spring, Late Spring

Vinca minor

flowers and young foliage

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Profile for Vinca minor (Periwinkle)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:prostrate vine, rooting at the nodes
Foliage:simple, opposite, evergreen
Life Cycle: perennial
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Winter, Mid Winter, Early Spring, Mid Spring, Late Spring, Early Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall, Late Fall

Viola x wittrockiana

A Purple-flowered variety

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Profile for Viola x wittrockiana (Pansy)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Short-lived, low-growing perennial, with mostly cool season blooms
Higher taxa:Viola

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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Spring, Mid Spring, Mid Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall, Late Fall, Early Winter

last updated --Juan 18:03, 8 April 2008 (UTC) with 13 plants