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Bible/King James/Documentary Hypothesis/Priestly source/Genealogy of the Children of Abraham

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<Bible, English, King James, According to the documentary hypothesis | Priestly source

According to the documentary hypothesis, the torah was redacted together from a number of earlier source texts. The largest of these is referred to as the "Priestly source", due to its concentration on details which would be of interest to the Aaronid priesthood.

The reconstructed text of this source contains several elements which are separable from the narrative, including several laws, and descriptions of how rituals should be carried out. It is sometimes believed that these were originally separate documents held as priestly records. One of these separable elements is the genealogy of the descendents of Abraham (expressed at Genesis 25:13-15, Genesis 35:22b-26, Genesis 36:2-5, and Genesis 46:8-27).

One of the notable features of the text is that it states that there are 33 sons and daughters of Leah and Jacob even though it lists 34 distinct names. There are also differences in the names and genealogy listed with that given in the census at numbers 26:1-50 (excepting numbers 26:9-11, which the documentary hypothesis proposes was added by the redactor)

The genealogy is based on the relevant portions of genesis, but does not reproduce the text, instead presenting a simplified version containing the same information

The Genealogy of the Children of Abraham

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  • Ishmael
    • Nebajoth
    • Kedar
    • Adbeel
    • Mibsam
    • Mishma
    • Dumah
    • Massa
    • Hadar
    • Tema
    • Jetur
    • Naphish
    • Kedemah
  • Isaac
    • Esau
      • (by Adah the daughter of Elon the Hittite)
        • Esau Eliphaz
      • (by Aholibamah the daughter of Anah the daughter of Zibeon the Hivite)
        • Jeush
        • Jaalam
        • Korah
      • (by Bashemath Ishmael's daughter, sister of Nebajoth)
        • Reuel
      • (dukes)
        • Timnah
        • Alvah
        • Jetheth
        • Aholibamah
        • Elah
        • Pinon
        • Kenaz
        • Teman
        • Mibzar
        • Magdiel
        • Iram
    • Jacob
      • (by Leah)
        • Reuben, Israel's eldest son
          • Hanoch
          • Phallu
          • Hezron
          • Carmi
        • Simeon
          • Jemuel
          • Jamin
          • Jachin
          • Zohar
          • Shaul, the son of a Canaanitish woman
          • Ohad
        • Levi
          • Kohath
          • Gershon
          • Merari
        • Judah
          • Er (died in Canaan)
          • Onan (died in Canaan)
          • Shelah
          • Pharez
            • Hezron
            • Hamul
          • Zarah
        • Issachar
          • Tola
          • Phuvah
          • Job
          • Shimron
        • Zebulun
          • Sered
          • Elon
          • Jahleel
        • Dinah
      • (by Zilpah, whom Laban gave to Leah his daughter)
        • Gad
          • Ziphion
          • Haggi
          • Shuni
          • Ezbon
          • Eri
          • Arodi
          • Areli
        • Asher
          • Jimnah
          • Isui
          • Beriah
            • Heber
            • Malchiel
          • Serah
          • Ishuah
      • (by Rachel)
        • Joseph
          • Ephraim
          • Manasseh
        • Benjamin
          • Belah
          • Ard
          • Naaman
          • Ashbel
          • Ehi
          • Huppim
          • Gera
          • Rosh
          • Becher
          • Muppim
      • (by Bilhah, whom Laban gave to Rachel his daughter)
        • Dan
          • Hushim
        • Napthali
          • Jahzeel
          • Guni
          • Jezer
          • Shillem

In parallel with the Genealogy in Numbers 26

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Tribe Families in Genesis 46 Families in Numbers 26
  • Hanoch
  • Phallu
  • Hezron
  • Carmi
  • Hanoch
  • Pallu
    • Eliab
  • Hezron
  • Carmi
  • Jemuel
  • Jamin
  • Jachin
  • Zohar
  • Shaul
  • Ohad
  • Nemuel
  • Jamin
  • Jachin
  • Zerah
  • Shaul
  • Kohath
  • Gershon
  • Merari
  • Kohath
    • Amran
    • Izehar
    • Hebron
    • Uzziel
  • Gershon
    • Libni
    • Shimei
  • Merari
    • Mahli
    • Mushi
  • Er
  • Onan
  • Shelah
  • Pharez
    • Hezron
    • Hamul
  • Zarah
  • Er
  • Onan
  • Shelah
  • Pharez
    • Hezron
    • Hamul
  • Zerah
  • Tola
  • Phuvah
  • Job
  • Shimron
  • Tola
  • Pua
  • Jashub
  • Shimron
  • Sered
  • Elon
  • Jahleel
  • Sered
  • Elon
  • Jahleel
  • Ziphion
  • Haggi
  • Shuni
  • Ezbon
  • Eri
  • Arodi
  • Areli
  • Zephon
  • Haggi
  • Shuni
  • Ozni
  • Eri
  • Arod
  • Areli
  • Jimnah
  • Isui
  • Beriah
    • Heber
    • Malchiel
  • Serah
  • Ishuah
  • Jimna
  • Jesui
  • Beriah
    • Heber
    • Malchiel
  • Sarah
  • Ephraim
  • Manasseh
  • Ephraim
    • Shuthelah
      • Eran
    • Becher
    • Tahan
  • Manasseh
    • Machir
      • Gilead
        • Jeezer
        • Helek
        • Asriel
        • Shechem
        • Shemida
        • Hepher
          • Zelophehad
            • Mahlah
            • Noah
            • Hoglah
            • Milcah
            • Tirzah
  • Belah
  • Ard
  • Naaman
  • Ashbel
  • Ehi
  • Huppim
  • Gera
  • Rosh
  • Becher
  • Muppim
  • Bela
    • Ard
    • Naaman
  • Ashbel
  • Ahiram
  • Shupham
  • Hupham
  • Hushim
  • Shuham
  • Jahzeel
  • Guni
  • Jezer
  • Shillem
  • Jahzeel
  • Guni
  • Jezer
  • Shillem

Several names appear to be simply variant spellings:

Name in Genesis Name in Numbers
Zarah Zerah
Phuvah Pua
Job Jashub
Phallu Pallu
Jemuel Nemuel
Zohar Zerah
Ziphion Zephon
Arodi Arod
Belah Bela
Ehi Ahiram
Shupham Shuham
Huppim Hupham
Jimnah Jimna
Isui Jesui
Jimnah Jimna
Serah Sarah