Assistant teacher program/Grades for social behavior

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Grades for social behavior

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Grades for social behavior
Activity: lecture, group work
Group size: unlimited
Preparation: test run
Instructors: 1
Duration: ?

In some German federal states pupils are given grades for social behavior [1] (citizenship grades). This course unit aims to provide some ideas for assistant teachers how to contribute to grades for social behavior.

Assistant teachers should probably not make their own recommendations concerning grades for social behavior. The assistant teachers should describe behavior by example and compile a report in cases where they did consider it necessary. If assistant teachers are meant to recommend actual grades the recommendation should be made by a committee, not by a single assistant teacher.

One reason why assistant teachers should not determine grades alone is that an assistant teacher may be tempted to threaten a bothersome pupil with bad grades. A pupil who knows that a single assistant teacher does not have that authority may feel less intimidated. Assistant teachers should consider to make it part of their code of conduct not to make statements that can be mistaken for threats.

Observing social behavior

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Preparing grades

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  1. Kopfnoten (Wikipedia)

See also

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Educational mandate

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The exact wording of the educational mandate given by the state is suitable as a handout for the participants, especially for a course unit that deals with social behavior.

German law

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