3D Modelling/Geographic Terrains

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STL 3D model of the Moon with 10× elevation exaggeration rendered with data from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter

In this learning resource is based on the Open Community Approach and focuses on the 3D terrain modelling. The models can use

  • fictional 3D terains,
  • based on real Digital Elevation Models e.g. from Open Street Map,
  • from open content 3D models of terrains in which you want to place your 3D objects as environment or
  • by Photogrammetry, which provides a point cloud of your 3D terrain for further 3D editing in you Open Source software.

Learning Task

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  • (Blender and Digital Elevation Model) Explore the digital elevation models. Import a 3D model of a greographical region of choice from Open Streetmap in Blender (Blender OSM Import plugin). A map (in Open Street Map) is in mostly perceived a 2D resource. Explain how the third dimension can be loaded into Blender surface terrain.
  • (Land Slides and Disaster Management) Extreme event could cause land slides. Explain how Digital Elevation Model with a comparison of pre and post disaster DEM could help identify where land slides occurred and where the land slides blocked road for emergency and rescue.
  • (Photogrammetry) Explore the 3D model of the moon and explain how a 3D model can be created with photogrammetry.

See also

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